Chapter 9

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Bryan POV

I saw the panic that had recently subsided inside of Danielle flood back to the surface at my words. I abhorred scaring her anymore than I already had. Although I couldn't bring myself to regret the memory of how her soft body felt pressed underneath mine. Thinking back on her struggle with me illuminated how afraid she was of my little brother, as she rightfully should be. He truly was his father's son. I wanted to engulf her in my arms when her breathing started coming in short little pants but I knew she would not feel comforted by me. 

I watched her fight to regain her composure before she asked, "Why me?"

I looked again into her mesmerizing eyes and understood why my brother was so intent on having her. I hardly knew her and I didn't want to let her go either. It wasn't just that she was beautiful but there was something about her that drew me to her. I gave her the answer my brother had given me when I asked him why he couldn't just let her go. "You're the only woman who has ever flat out refused him. The other secretaries before you were more than willing to be with Brett and it's driving him mad that you aren't compliant like they were."

Danielle looked incredulous when she spoke, "If I wasn't so terrified right now I'd be laughing. I wounded his pride and he wants to get back at me. Unbelievable." She shook her head lost in thought and I looked over her small frame, she couldn't have been over 5'4". Her robe covered her from the neck down but that vision of her when I switched on the lights was burned into my brain. She looked at me once more and asked, "So what do I do now? I needed that job but I wouldn't dare go back to him."

She seemed to be missing the urgency of the situation so I attempted to help her understand. "Angel, the job is the least of your worries. My brother will try to find you. You need to go stay with some relatives for awhile." Her eyes widened a bit at the endearment but other than that she didn't react. Good, at least she didn't stop me.

She bit her plump lip and I stared at it as she opened her mouth to speak. "I don't have anyone I can stay with. I don't know what I'm going to do."

Still staring at her lips I noticed the bottom one tremble and I realized she was about to cry. I looked at her eyes which were now glistening with tears. Unable to stay where I was any longer I crossed the room in a few strides to stand before her. She wearily looked up at me. When I saw that she wasn't leaning away I wrapped my arms around her and tried to comfort her. Initially she went stiff in my arms but then she melted and released her tears. Her body shuddered with the force of them. She brought her arms up to my chest and I stroked her hair softly while whispering  to her until the tears subsided and turned into small sniffles.

After she calmed down I pulled back from her with my arms still around her and said, "Don't you worry about a thing Danielle. I will make sure that no harm comes to you. You've been unfairly thrown into this situation so it's my responsibility to make it right." She smiled up at me with her tear stained cheeks and I felt my heart swell.

She studied me with a puzzled expression when I moved towards her closet. I looked inside and when I didn't find what I was looking for I asked her, "Danielle where's your luggage?"

She looked down and back up at me with embarrassment on her face and muttered, "I don't have any luggage."

I made a mental note to remedy that immediately and said, "No worries. We'll have to make do with what you have."

Danielle nodded absentmindedly then stopped and paused before asking, "What do you mean?"

Knowing this was going to take a great deal of convincing on my part I prepared myself for her reaction and then calmly said, "We need to pack your things so you can move in with me of course."

Hey everyone! I know this is a short chapter but I've been posting long chapters so I wanted to try doing a shorter one. Let me know if this one is too short lol. I will be posting another chapter later today so bear with me!

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