Chapter 13

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I awoke to someone gently shaking me and calling my name.

"Danielle...Danielle," there was a hand caressing my face. I groaned and turned my head away.

Then I heard a familiar deep chuckle. "Danielle come on. You can sleep inside."

"Leave me alone," I whined. I just needed a few more minutes.

My eyes flew open when I felt his arms go under my legs and behind my back. Bryan lifted me into the air and began carrying me towards his house.

"Bryan, put me down! I can walk you know."

"Yes, well when I tried to get you to walk you didn't want to move so I decided to help you along," he said with a smirk.

My smart retort died on my lips as I turned my head and was suddenly made aware of how close we were at the moment. Being close enough to smell his intoxicating cologne and feel his strong arms and chest I became tongue tied. Seemingly unaware of my assessment of him he continued taking long strides in silence. I stared at him studying his face until his gaze lowered to mine. I blushed at being caught and then tried to put some space between us. Avoiding his gaze which was still on me I asked, "Bryan, will you please put me down now?"

After a slight pause he replied, "Sure. Why don't you take a look at your new home?" His words sunk in as he placed me on my feet. I would be living with him indefinitely until we figured out what to do about Mr. Williams. When we first left my place I had mentioned going to the police but Bryan explained to me how ineffective that would be. For now I was stuck with him, or rather he was stuck with me.

"Thank you again for inviting me to stay with you. I don't know what I would have done without you," I told him as I wrapped my arms around his massive frame. I pulled my arms back quickly before he could react.

"It's the least I could do. My place isn't much but it's home," he said as he looked around with a content smile. I perused the exterior of his home and I immediately fell in love with the place. It was a large cabin that made me feel relaxed even though we were miles away from anyone else. Not much? Ha! Although it wasn't a mansion it deserved a much better description than what Bryan gave it. It was built from wood and stone with lots of windows making the cabin look open and welcoming.

"So what do you think?" Bryan asked sounding nervous. I couldn't imagine why he would be. His home was beautiful!

"I love it! It's amazing!" I said enthusiastically.

"I'm glad you like it. I'll show you your room first and then give you a tour."

"Ok," I said beginning to walk toward the front door, then I stopped when I remembered something. "Wait! We left my bags in the car." I spun around intending to go get them when I felt his hand on my wrist.

Chuckling, Bryan said, "Danielle you're a guest. I'll come back and get your bags. Let me take you inside."

Before following him in I said, "Alright Bryan, you can call me a guest but I don't expect to be treated like one for my entire stay. I want to do my part around here. It will make me feel like less of a freeloader." With what appeared to be approval in his eyes he nodded his head and guided me inside with his hand on the small of my back.


Bryan POV

I gave Danielle a tour and headed back outside to retrieve her bags from the car. Thinking about what she told me had me grinning from ear to ear. She was quite a woman. I didn't know her exact age but she seemed young. Despite her young age she was independent, adaptable, and conscientious. She was going to be a breath of fresh air in my usually lonely home.

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