Chapter 21

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Danielle POV

"I get to pick the next movie! I will not suffer through another black and white Christmas movie. We are watching Elf and that's final," I ordered Bryan. It was Christmas eve and we had been having a movie marathon all day. Earlier I insisted he choose the movies since I chose all of the snacks, mainly consisting of junk food, but I came to regret it. We hadn't watched one movie I could recognize. Every movie was old and boring but Bryan loved them. He really could be a grandpa sometimes.

Finally I had to put my foot down. There were some modern classics that were a must see in my book and I was going to make Bryan watch every one of them with me.

"What? I thought you were enjoying them. I didn't hear a peep out of you all day!" He said sounding bewildered.

"That's because I was asleep for most of them!" We were cuddling on the couch and his body warmth had lulled me to sleep. Not to mention my lack of interest also made it difficult for me to stay awake.

"That explains a lot. Well then, I guess we can watch some of your favorites now," he grudgingly said.

"Aw how cute. You said it as if you had a say in the matter," I said reaching up and patting him on his cheek.

Rolling his eyes he told me, "Forgive me princess. Now if you'll excuse me I need a quick bathroom break."

Immediately missing his warmth during trip to the bathroom I wrapped myself in the blanket that had been covering both our bodies. My Netflix search for Elf was interrupted by my phone vibrating.

That was extremely odd.  I hadn't received any calls or messages for almost my entire stay with Bryan. When I had first stopped showing up to work Angie called me a couple of times to check on me. I vaguely told her why I wouldn't be coming back but also told her not to inform Mr. Williams she had spoken to me. Since then my phone had been dry.

Feeling perturbed I unlocked my phone and checked my message. It was from an unknown number. It read, "Your time playing house has almost run out."  The words on the screen became blurry and I realized my hand was shaking.

That had to be Mr. Williams. Bryan was right not to trust him. I was so eager to believe him and it had all been an act. I knew I had to tell Bryan but I would wait until after tomorrow. I wanted us to enjoy our holiday together and I refused to let the drama ruin it. Footsteps signaled Bryan's approach and I pushed the creepy message to the back of my mind to continue our movie marathon.

After watching Elf we watched The Santa Clause and The Santa Clause 2. As the credits were rolling after The Santa Clause 2 it was nearing midnight and I was falling asleep again. I could feel Bryan slip away from me but I was too tired to ask him where he was going.

A minute later I felt a gentle nudge and looked up at Bryan to find him grinning at me seemingly wide awake. Scrunching my brows in confusion I stared at him until he spoke.

"When I was a kid my family had a Christmas eve tradition where we would each open one gift. I thought maybe I could start that tradition again with you." My smile soon matched his in size. If he was talking about starting traditions with me that meant he planned on being around for the foreseeable future.

"Bryan I-"

"I know, I know. I told you not to get me anything which is exactly why I'm expecting nothing from you but I do have a gift for you to open tonight. Here," he said handing me a thin rectangular box with a ribbon tied around it.

Shyly I took the box from him and untied the bow. As I did this he sat down on the couch next to me. Before I opened it I peeked at him from the corner of my eye and noticed he had a nervous expression. I turned my attention back to the box and lifted the lid. Inside was a small gold heart pendant with a rose engraved on the front. Removing the necklace from the box I opened it and saw in the space for a photo was a picture of my grandma and me.

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