Chapter 6

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As the day progressed I gave the situation more thought and I talked myself into staying. I came to the conclusion that he would get over me. I was nothing special and no different than any other woman.

I had gotten my regular work done, reading and replying to emails, answering phones, scheduling meetings, making copies and filing. After lunch Mr. Williams was uncharacteristically quiet and kept to himself, not that I was complaining. It was getting close to 6 and he still hadn't come out of his office. Maybe I would get to go home on time after all. I picked up the phone to dial Angie's extension.

She answered on the third ring. "Hello. This is Angie."

"Hey Angie, it's Danielle. Mr. Williams still hasn't come out of his office. I think he decided to finish it himself. We probably won't be needing your help but thank you anyway!" I told her feeling relieved.

"Really?" she sounded skeptical. "Ok...I'm glad it worked out for you then. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ok bye!" I said into the phone.

"Bye!" She said and then hung up.

Hopeful I stood up and straightened my clothes before I went up to Mr. Williams door. Hesitantly I lifted my hand and then knocked on the door. "Come in," came his signature smooth voice but something about it sounded a little off. Upon entering I found him sitting at his desk looking more relaxed than his normal self. His suit jacket was slung on the back of his chair and he had his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing his muscular forearms. His shirt hugged his chest and showcased the muscles that were always hidden under his jacket. Some of his hair had fallen into his face but this only made him look more devilishly handsome. If the smirk on his face was any indication he knew I was checking him out. I blushed faintly then remembered what I came into his office for.

"Mr. Williams, I was just coming to ask you if you still needed me to stay late?" I asked in a small voice. It seemed that every time I spoke to him I turned into a mouse.

"Of course I do, why would you think anything had changed?" My stomach dropped when he spoke. I already told Angie to go home so now I would be stuck with him alone after hours. "Don't look so worried. I assure you you're quite safe with me," he said with a teasing smile. That did nothing to calm me down. In fact, it had the opposite effect and Mr. Williams observed that. "Ms. Thompson is something wrong?" he asked obviously faking his concern.

"To be honest Mr. Williams--"

"Brett," he cut in.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I think we've worked together long enough to lose the formalities, don't you Danielle? Call me Brett," he said while taking a step toward me.

"Sir you can call me Danielle if you'd like but I'd prefer to stick to Mr. Williams. You are after all my boss." I most definitely didn't feel comfortable calling him by his first name. It would make our relationship too personal.

He pouted. Pouted! "As you wish Danielle. Now, what were you going to tell me?"

"Oh yes. I spoke with Angie today and she filled me in on the nature of your relationships with your past secretaries," I told him unable to look him in the eye.

"And?" His voice had a hard edge to it that made me jump. My eyes met his.

"Um. I-I w-wanted to let you know that it won't be that way between us," by the time I finished my voice was barely above a whisper. There was a long pause where I could see Mr. Williams' temper about to erupt.

He sneered at me and said in an eerily calm voice, "Says who?" He began to walk around his desk and stalk toward me. I countered his steps by winding the opposite way around his desk. What had gotten into him? He stopped once we'd switched positions with me behind his desk and him where I had been standing. I noticed an open drawer and looked down to see a nearly empty bottle of some sort of bourbon. He must have been drunk. I looked back up and gasped loudly when I saw that Mr. Williams was no longer on the other side of the desk but now right in front of me. I quickly retreated from him but blanched as I felt the wall against my back. He had followed me to the wall and now there was only a small space between us.

Finally finding my voice I yelled, "Stop!" Shocked at my outburst he ceased his approach and waited for me to go on. "Mr. Williams I thought you were working all day but apparently you were drinking! What's gotten into you?"

"You have!" he shouted causing me to shrink into the wall. His larger form was even more intimidating now that he had me cornered. "I can't get you out of my head Danielle. You are a gorgeous woman and I want you. I don't care that you've been playing hard to get, I will have you. At first when I hired you I thought that I could wear you down but you're being stubborn. It's no matter though because now I've got you where I want you."

His words incited panic in me and too late I realized Angie's words were true. He certainly was determined and also delusional. I wasn't playing hard to get and I wasn't being stubborn. I just wasn't interested in him and for some reason he couldn't accept that. I desperately racked my brain for ways to snap him out of this alcohol induced episode. "Mr. Williams, how about you take a moment to think about what you're doing. We are supposed to be working on a big project remember? What about your meeting tomorrow?"

He threw his head back and let out a bark of laughter before saying, "I lied. There is no meeting. I just wanted to have you all to myself." My breaths became shallow as I realized the severity of my predicament. All I could think about was how much I wished I had listened to Angie. She had tried to warn me of Mr. Williams' ill intentions but I didn't believe her.

I was brought out of my wistful thinking when Mr. Williams leaned in closer. "Did you really think you got this job based on your experience and your beautiful smile? You know what Danielle? Between you and me I think you have a lot of potential and should have applied for at least an entry level position but I figured you must be desperate to settle for the secretary position. If you're that desperate, what are you willing to do to keep this job?" As he asked me he placed his large hand on my hip and gave it a squeeze. I pushed his hand away in revulsion but he only laughed and placed it back on my hip. I was growing more alarmed by the second. I thought of what I could possibly say to get myself out of this situation unscathed because there was no way I could overpower Mr. Williams.

He still had his hand on my hip and was looking down at me expectantly as he waited for an answer. I focused on keeping my voice steady and decided to go with an honest answer, "Sir, I really do need this job but I'm not willing to do anything outside of my required job duties. Please let me go, if you let me leave I promise not to tell any--" My plea ended as I gasped in pain. Mr. Williams' grip on my hip became tighter and painful as if to tell me without words that he wouldn't let me go.

At this point I knew words wouldn't persuade him so I tried to escape his grasp and run away from him but before I could even get past him he grabbed me by my arms and slammed me against the wall. I was back against the wall with him blocking my escape. I groaned in pain from the impact of my head hitting the wall and this seemed to excite him. Mr. Williams leaned his head back with his eyes closed and then looked back down at me with a sardonic smile. "Oh yeah baby, give me a preview of the sounds you'll make when I'm pounding into you." My heart stopped and then began beating in double time. No, no, no! He couldn't have meant what I thought he did.

"Mr. Williams, what are you going to do to me?"I asked knowing the answer but praying he would give me a different one.

His eyes raked my body and his gaze became hungry. "Danielle, I'm going to fuck you." And as those words left his mouth he slammed his lips onto mine.

Next chapter I will be introducing a new character's POV. Update will be tomorrow.
Thank you so much for reading!

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