Chapter 10

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Bryan POV


"Wait!" I yelled as the elevator doors were closing. I should have known she wouldn't trust me enough to stay. I saw the petrified look in Danielle's eyes. My cruel brother put that look there.

Speaking of my brother, I heard him groan from his place on the floor. Despite him being the worst person I know he was still my brother. I really worked him over and now I would have to take him to the hospital. It was nothing less than he deserved for having the audacity to harm Danielle. No man should ever treat a woman in such a way.

Brett's chuckling jerked me back to reality. I eyed him wondering if I possibly rattled his brain when I attacked him. "You think you've saved her," he spat blood and sneered at me, "I've just begun big brother. I'll find her. Once I do I'll take her and make her scream my name over and over."

My fist met his jaw on it's own accord, knocking him out cold. Brett had officially lost it. There was no logic behind his actions. He just wanted to cause pain like our father. Everything he did was for power, money, and his pleasure.

I had to find a way to help Danielle. I knew my brother meant what he said. He wouldn't give up easily. If I thought taking him to the police would stop him I wouldn't be so worried. Unfortunately as rich as my brother was and him carrying our family name no charges would stick. I had to handle this on my own.

Sighing at the sudden turn of events in my life I made my way over to Brett and began to drag him to the elevator. After I dropped him off at the hospital I would come back to the office and figure out a way to find Danielle.

End of flashback


Danielle POV

I stared at Bryan from where I was standing not believing the words that just came out of his mouth. Was he serious? How could he expect me to agree to living with him? I didn't even know him! That's not true. You just allowed him to hold you intimately while you cried on his chest. My heart beat slightly faster when I thought of how that must have looked to him. That probably gave him the wrong impression of me. Why did I let him do that? Because it felt good to have someone hold you. You can't remember the last time anyone has comforted you like that. I gave in to the warmth his strong arms and chest offered in my moment of weakness and now he expects me to move in with him and God knows what else!

I finally realized Bryan was still waiting for my response when I heard him call my name. Straightening to my full height
I tried to appear as dignified as I could in my fuzzy pink robe before answering, "I appreciate you wanting to help me Bryan but there is no way I'm moving in with you. I hardly know you. You could be just like your brother and just because I let you hold me for a minute that doesn't mean that I trust you."

Instead of answering me Bryan began to walk toward me at an agonizingly slow pace. I thought he would stop once he got close to me but he didn't which alarmed me. I backed away from him until the wall stopped me. He continued his approach while I managed to squeak out, "W-what are you d-doing?"

He finally stopped in front of me, placed his arms on the wall on either side of my head and leaned forward. His body was nearly touching mine so I smashed mine even further against the wall trying to create some space. What was it with the Williams brothers and invading personal space?

In a calm voice Bryan said, "Danielle, I broke into your home while you were sleeping and struggled with you until we were in what some would call a compromising position. I had your soft and warm body underneath mine while you were hardly clothed." He paused as I flushed with embarrassment then continued on to say, "Now, don't you think I've had the opportunity to do with you whatever I wanted?"

Unable to speak while staring into his intense blue eyes I simply nodded. "Yet I haven't. Why do you think that is?" he asked me with a gentle look in his eyes. Assessing the tender look in his eyes I decided maybe I could trust him. I gave him a small smile and told him, "Because you're not like your brother." He answered my smile with one of his own and then stepped away from me.

He returned to my closet and I called out, "Bryan." He stopped to look back at me. "You could have found a less invasive way to make your point," I told him with narrowed eyes.

He smirked at me and then said, "I could have but it wouldn't have been as fun." I rolled my eyes at him but he just smiled even bigger. "Ok if you have any bags to put your clothes into now would be the time to get them. We have to move quickly."

I frowned at his words and walked towards his back saying, "Bryan, even though you may have convinced me you're not like your brother that doesn't mean I changed my mind about moving in with you." He couldn't have thought it would be so easy to persuade me. He looked at me thoughtfully with his head tilted to the side reminding me a little puppy. I tossed the idea out of my head as I looked up at him. There was nothing little about Bryan.

"Well," he started, "if I've convinced you I'm different than Brett then what's stopping you?"

"I still don't really know you. We just met today and I'm not going to live with a man I barely know." Bryan's eyes softened with understanding  and he nodded his head. "I'll just stay at a motel for awhile. I have a little money saved up so I can lay low until this dies down."

Bryan shook his head and replied, "This isn't going to die down quickly. I didn't want to scare you with all the details but I guess I'll have to in order to get you to understand how dangerous my brother can be. Currently Brett is residing in the hospital due to his injuries," Bryan coughed and scratched the back of his head before he continued, "but since they're not severe he will be out tomorrow. Once he gets released he's going to use all of his resources to find out where you live and come for you. If he finds you he will show no mercy this time."

I felt the blood drain from my face as his words sank in. If tonight was Mr. Williams showing mercy I couldn't imagine how much worse he could get. Bryan came toward me again but I held up my hand to stop him.

He stopped his approach but said, "Please Danielle, I want to help you. I can protect you if you come with me. Brett won't find you. I don't live in the city and he doesn't know where I do live. I'm the only one who can protect you from him. Just come with me."

He was making a good case for himself but I still wasn't totally at ease with the idea of staying with him so I asked him one more question that would help me make up my mind, "What's in it for you?"

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