Chapter 5

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After my disconcerting first few hours you would have thought that I didn't go back to work but the rest of that day Mr. Williams had stuck to his word of being professional. He even called Angie to finish training me for the day. It has been a month since I started and I was getting used to the routine. At first I was apprehensive about working on the floor by myself with Mr. Williams but he hasn't made any more advances toward me. Although occasionally when I would go into his office he would have a certain look in his eyes that made me squirm. I guess I couldn't win them all. Telling him to refrain from looking at me would sound unreasonable on my part. Anyway, this would all be temporary if everything went as planned. My goal was to move to the accounting department in the future so I could survive a few looks from Mr. Williams until then.

Usually I got off work around 6 but today Mr. Williams said we would be working on a big project. Since he made it sound like there was going to be a great deal of work involved I was headed to see Angie to ask her if she was willing to help. The elevator ride was short thankfully, due to it being the lunch hour and no one was working at the moment...except me. Stepping off onto the 10th floor I walked to the break room. Angie never ate out. She always brought something delicious she cooked at home. If I was lucky maybe she would share with me. That was if she wasn't peeved I was coming to her with work during her break. Setting foot in the break room I saw she was alone. Perfect! "Hi Angie! How are you today?" When she saw me her eyes lit up and her face broke into a sweet smile.

"Danielle my dear! It's lovely to see you. My don't you look nice today," she said, the last part making me blush. I didn't have anything special on but she was constantly complimenting me. Today I was wearing something cute but professional like always. The only exception was my skirt was a little shorter than my typical dresses and skirts. It was a couple inches above my knees but I was wearing flats so that the length would be less noticeable.

"Thank you Angie," I genuinely thanked her, even if I didn't believe I looked all that great. "I hate to bother you on your lunch break but I have something to ask of you."

"It's no bother at all! Here let me get another bowl so you can eat with me while you ask me your question. I wouldn't want you to miss your lunch." She stood up as she spoke moving to the counter to prepare a portion of her food for me. She truly reminded me of my grandma, always so generous and thoughtful.

"Angie you are too kind! I appreciate that. Well, Mr. Williams has informed me that I have to stay late today to finish a project he and I are going to be working on. He's prepping for a meeting he's having tomorrow with a potential investor." She nodded her head as I spoke. "I offered to come in early tomorrow instead but he insisted we do it tonight," I continued. I was mostly in the dark regarding this meeting. He was vague about the details. The only information he provided me with was the day and time of the meeting and who was going to be at the meeting. I don't know why he would wait until the last minute to work on this project but I assumed tonight would be when he disclosed the rest of the details about the meeting. "What I'm asking Angie, is if you would help us or mainly me out. I don't feel totally at ease with the idea of being here with Mr. Williams at night after everyone has left." By the time I finished talking Angie was back at the table with my bowl placing it before me.

She sank into her chair as if suddenly tired and regarded me with a worried expression. She inhaled a deep breath and let it out before saying, "Danielle, I want to warn you. Stay alert around that man. He may very well want to work tonight but he could try to turn it into something else so I will be there for you. I can tell you're different from his other secretaries and haven't slept with him." My face heated at her bold words and she nodded her head. "Your reaction gave me my answer. You've lasted longer than the others. They often if not always have been with him by now. That's why he doesn't have anyone else working on the 20th floor besides him and his secretary. When his father ran the company other employees worked on the 20th floor. Those aren't just 'extra' offices, people worked up there but Mr. Williams fired them when he took over. Has he tried to come onto you in any way?"

I felt confused and a little shaken at the swift change in our conversation. It took me a minute to take all of that in. When I finally was able to answer I started to say no but then I thought back to my first day. I didn't think that qualified as him coming on to me but I told Angie anyway. I also told her about the looks he frequently gave me. I trusted her and had no one else to confide in. The worried expression did not lift from her face and that alarmed me.

"It's what I was afraid of. He's watching you to see if you'll let your guard down. He doesn't seem to be put off by your initial rebuff. That is one determined young man," Angie said shaking her head.

I looked down at my uneaten food then at my watch. Lunch was going to be over soon. I could hear the voices of some of the staff signaling the continuation of the work day. In a moment I would have to go back up tot he 20th floor where I would be isolated with Mr. Williams and all of this new information in my head. Feeling troubled I stood up and mumbled, "Sorry for wasting your food Angie. I have to go."

Her voice stopped me as I was rushing out of the break room. "I will be there tonight but remember what I said Danielle. Please be careful." I nodded my head but said nothing.

The ride up to the 20th floor was faster than I wanted. I slowly exited the elevator and sat at my desk. I checked the time again, it was 1:30. Lunch was officially over yet I hadn't eaten anything. However, my appetite was gone after hearing the unnerving news about Mr. Williams. I didn't understand why he would be so interested in me when he could have any woman he wanted.

On the other hand, it was possible Angie was mistaken. She is kind of up there in age and it wouldn't be the first time she gave me the wrong information. It had been about a month since I began working for Mr. Williams and he hadn't made any move besides on my first day. This really complicated things. I didn't know what to do.

Here is chapter 5. Angie gave us a little more background information on Mr. Williams. Do you believe her or do you think Danielle is right to doubt her word? Next chapter will be up shortly. I was gonna have chapter 5 be one long long chapter but I thought that would be too much. Thanks for reading!

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