Chapter 3

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It's been a week since my interview and I still hadn't heard anything back from Williams' Enterprises. That can't be a good sign. If I had gotten the job I would have heard something by now right? I was currently living off of my savings and there was enough to last me for a short time but I needed to look for another job before I ran out of money. I guess I could go back to the cafe and beg to have my waitressing job back. Hopefully they hadn't already filled my position.

My phone started ringing and distracted me from my planning. I didn't recognize the number but I figured I'd answer anyway. "Hello?"

"Ms. Thompson?" asked a familiar voice. I realized it was Angie. Please please let her be calling with good news!

"Yes, this is Ms. Thompson," I responded.

"I am calling you to inform you that Mr. Williams has selected you to be his new secretary if you're still interested in the position."

"Yes I'm still interested," I calmly told Angie even though on the inside I was dancing with delight.

"Splendid my dear! You enjoy the rest of your day then," Angie said with excitement.

"Angie wait!" I rushed to say.


"Aren't you going to give me any information? Like when I start or what time I need to be there?" I couldn't allow another week to pass before I heard from her again.

"Oh yes! Silly me! I'm getting too old for this job I tell you. Well, you'll be starting tomorrow and you must be here bright and early at 8am. Be prompt because Mr. Williams does not tolerate tardiness. We'll meet with Mr. Williams first and then I'll be training you for the rest of the day. Hmm I wonder if I've left anything out.." she paused for a moment before saying, "no worries. Anything I left out I can catch you up on tomorrow. Do you have any other questions Ms. Thompson?"

After thinking for a moment I came up with nothing. "No, ma'am," I told her.

"Oh no, please do not call me ma'am. It makes me feel so old! Just stick to plain old Angie like you've been referring to me. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow!" She hung up before I could say goodbye but that did nothing to dampen my suddenly bright mood. I got the job! Now for choosing an outfit for my first day. After 30 minutes of deliberation in front of my closet I decided on a white blouse tucked into my high waisted gray slacks and a matching gray vest. The ensemble was cute, modest, and professional which was exactly what I was going for. It was only around 2pm so I still had the remainder of the day to find something else to do. This was going to be my last free day for awhile so I was going to cherish it and spend my time wisely. Binge watching on Netflix sounded just right! I strode to the kitchen, grabbed a quart of Haagen daz and a spoon, then made my way to the sofa to make myself comfortable. Eventually I felt myself relax in front of the tv.


I rolled over and groaned. My bed felt much smaller this morning, and less comfortable. I cracked my eyes open and saw my tv. Memories of my lazy day came flooding back to me and suddenly I remembered I had a job to be at this morning! Quickly I tried to get up from the couch only to land on the floor. My legs had gotten tangled up in my blanket. Once I freed myself I looked for my phone and spotted it on the coffee table. I picked it up to check the time. Shoot! It was 6:30am. My original plan was to wake up at 6 so I was behind schedule but if I hurried I could still have enough time to get ready and have breakfast before I headed to work.

By 7:23 I was out the door dressed and eating a granola bar. So much for having breakfast. Thankfully there was no traffic and it only took 30 minutes to get to Williams' Enterprises. Following my hasty parking I ran to the elevator and pressed 20. By the time the elevator made it down to the garage it was 7:55. I jumped inside and prayed the elevator would take me straight up to the 20th floor. Of course the ride didn't go as I'd hoped. My whole morning was going wrong so my losing streak couldn't stop now. It seemed like I stopped on every other floor. At last I stepped onto the 20th floor at 7:59. Angie was not at the desk so I assumed she was already inside Mr. Williams' office. Not bothering to straighten my clothes or smooth my hair for fear of being late I knocked on the door to notify them of my arrival.

"Come in," I heard Mr. Williams' smooth voice. I opened the door and peeked my head in. Stepping into his office I noticed Angie was not in here either. Mr. Williams had his back to me and was staring out of the window at the city below us. Feeling tense and unsure I moved over toward him. He still hadn't turned around even though I knew he could hear my footsteps. I stopped a few feet from him and yet he continued staring out of the window. Trying to ease some of my tension but not wishing to disturb him, I said in a low voice, "Good morning Mr. Williams."

I know it's short and that I also said I would update on Saturday but things didn't go as planned for me so here is the late update! I will be updating again today in apology for this late & short update. Not much is happening in this chapter but in the next few the story will start to pick up! 😉

Danielle's outfit up top. This is not what she looks like by the way, just her outfit for her first day of work.

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