Chapter 8

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A/N: Short note, this chapter is going backwards a bit so we can see Danielle's POV after she bumped into the "Unknown" character. We will be brought back to where we left off in the last chapter pretty quickly. Throughout the story I will be switching POV so I'm going to be starting off each chapter letting you all know who's POV it is. Enjoy!

Danielle POV

As I woke up I could hear loud, angry voices. Two men were arguing and they sounded almost the same except one's voice was deeper. I opened my eyes and then closed them against the bright light. I waited a few moments and then slowly opened my eyes. I was lying down on a couch. While staring at the ceiling I tried to figure out where I was.

The angry voices rose in volume and this time I could make out what they were saying. "She's my secretary and I can do whatever the fuck I want to do with her including fucking her whenever I feel like it!" I sat up faster than I thought possible as the memories came flooding back. I remembered what Mr. Williams had attempted to do to me. It was vital I got away before he came looking for me. From my surroundings I gathered I was still in the reception area in front of his office. I jumped off of the couch and ran to the elevator hoping it would get to the top floor quickly.

During my wait I heard the deeper voice say, "What you're talking about is rape and I will not stand by and let you do that!"

Mr. Williams replied, "Always the moral compass aren't you? You're taking it too far. She was warming up to me and would have loved it."

"Really Brett? Because when she ran into me I saw a terrified girl. You're lying to yourself if you thought she wanted it," shot back Deep Voice. When he spoke I remembered running into someone who looked just like Mr. Williams. Despite his opposition to Mr. Williams' attack I couldn't help but wonder if he had more in common with Mr. Williams than his looks. What was taking the elevator so long? It was after hours so no one else should be in the building. It felt like it was taking forever to move up.

What I heard next had my heart racing. Mr. Williams told Deep Voice, "Let's see what Danielle has to say about it." I turned toward his door terrified that he was going to finish what he started. When he stepped out of his office he was wearing a scowl but upon seeing me standing next to the elevator his mouth raised up into the smile I've come to hate. He began to stalk toward me like a predator prepared to attack its prey, then asked, "Going somewhere sweetheart?"

I screamed as Mr. Williams lunged for me. He wrapped his arms around me and crushed my body to his. "Let me go!" I cried as I desperately fought to get away from him. Mr. Williams leaned in for another kiss and I turned my head aside. My eyes closed in defeat but flew open when I felt his body yanked away from mine. Deep Voice was pummeling Mr. Williams. I winced as I heard the sound of bone cracking and noticed blood seeping from Mr. Williams' face. The sound of the elevator doors opening had me spinning around and hopping in to the elevator. This brought Deep Voice out of his crazed state and as the doors were closing his eyes met mine before he called out "Wait!"

Once the doors closed I let out the breath I had been holding. On the way down to the garage I realized I left my purse in my desk upstairs. I groaned knowing that meant I wouldn't be able to get into my car. Biting my lip I thought about my limited options. All I could think of was to take a taxi home and pay for it once I got there. The elevator stopped at the garage and I stepped out. My pace didn't slow as I headed out of the garage and to the street. Luckily I had no trouble hailing a taxi. It must not have been as late as I thought.

After about 30 minutes I made it home and walked up to my front door. I praised myself for being thoughtful enough to leave a spare key hidden outside. I removed it from its hiding place, opened the door, and brought it inside with me. After the events of tonight I was paranoid that someone else or even Mr. Williams again would attack me. Rushing to my room I grabbed some money off the dresser and then went back outside to pay the driver.

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