Chapter 17

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Bryan POV

"Bryaaannn! Let's go out tonight!" Danielle enthusiastically suggested. It was Saturday night and while I was perfectly content to stay home like always, Danielle wanted to go to a club in the city.

"I don't know princess. I haven't been to a club in awhile. I'm too old," I tried to persuade her while rubbing a hand over my face. I was sitting on the couch reading a book when she came and plopped down next to me.

"Please Bryan! I've never been to a club before! I was always too anxious to go when I was in school because I didn't have any friends that I felt comfortable going with," she pleaded. I truly did not want to go out so I thought I might try to talk her out of it.

"You've never been? Then you might want to reconsider. You're not missing much, just a bunch of drunk people rubbing up against each other on a crowded dance floor moving to music loud enough to rupture your ear drums."

She scoffed, "Wow Bryan way to be a debbie downer. You sound twice your age with that horrible description. It can't be that bad."

Knowing I wasn't going to win this battle I closed my book and sighed, "You really want to do this?"

"Yes!" She squealed excitedly.

"Alright then, it looks like we're going to a club," I reluctantly told her.

She threw her arms around my neck and giggled before saying, "Thank you Bryan! This is going to be so much fun!" Pulling back she saw the unconvinced look on my face and tried to reassure me, "Oh come on! What's the worst that can happen?" Somehow I knew that question was going to come back to haunt me.


Despite my better judgment we still headed out to my friend's club almost an hour and a half later. I texted him to let him know I would be coming along with a guest. We were pretty close but I hadn't let him know Danielle was staying with me. In the car now I glanced over at her to see her nearly bouncing in her seat with excitement. I hadn't thought she would be interested in something like this but she continued to surprise me.

I frowned when I again assessed what she was wearing. It wasn't all that revealing but it was something that hugged her curves in all the right places and I knew she'd have plenty of admirers tonight. After all, she was a beautiful woman and I was surely not the only man who would notice. I would need to keep an eye on her.

Once we arrived we exited the car so the valet could park it. More than eager to go inside Danielle started to walk in without me but I stopped her by gently grabbing her wrist. She turned to look up at me questioningly. Whatever I was going to say got stuck in my throat as I gazed down at her. She was mesmerizing on a daily basis but tonight she looked stunning. I stared at her so long I noticed her cheeks turning pink and she ducked her head to hide her embarrassment. Not wanting to make her anymore uncomfortable I cleared my throat and remembered what I wanted to tell her.

"I want you to have fun tonight but if for any reason you feel uncomfortable or want to leave let me know." She nodded her head in affirmation before letting her face break out into a huge smile.

"Now can we go inside?" She asked.

I chuckled and said, "After you princess," while placing my hand on the small of her back. I gritted my teeth to brace myself as I already heard the pulsing beat of the music. Here we go, I thought.

Flashing lights and loud music greeted us as we stepped inside. I could feel the bass of the music in my chest and was instantly reminded of why I no longer came to clubs. It was an experience I didn't miss. However, it was something Danielle really wanted to do so I had sucked it up and came out for her.

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