Not an Update

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Hi everyone!! First of all I wanted to thank you all so much for giving the story a chance and all the voting and commenting! I've been wanting to update but I haven't been able to because I'm currently working on a research paper for my summer class 😫 That is of course taking up all my free time I would use for writing. So with that being said, I have some good news and not so good news. The good news is, the paper is due this week and my class is coming to an end so after that I'll have free time to continue writing this story. The not so good news is that I won't be updating until next week 😕 I'm sorry it's been so long since my last update and then I tell you this, but all this work for the research paper is sucking the life out of me 😴 Anyways, please don't give up on me! I promise I'm not going to go ghost and just stop writing the story. I'm enjoying writing it as much as some of you are enjoying reading it!

Much Love,

Roccs 💜

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