Human Rights versus Inhuman Rights in the Philippines

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The right to vote is an example of human rights in the Philippines.

The consumption of illegal drugs by criminals is an example of inhuman rights. The president of the Republic has no right to kill such criminals according to sick and frightened theologians of the church specially those always in cahoots with the sick and frightened politicians of the corrupt govt.

Such is the weird kind of separation between human rights and inhuman rights in the Philippines.

In the meantime, I have great respect and great admiration for president Duterte and his war against ILLEGAL DRUGS prevalent as a sick way of daily life in our sick society.

But I should have greater respect and greater admiration for president Duterte as soon as he begins to also declare war against LEGAL DRUGS dominating the minds and hearts of Filipinos. It is more referred to as religion keeping millions of Filipinos famous as the Sick Man of Asia - frightened and directionless as a people; unenlightened and rudderless as a nation.

Indeed, due to, if not because of sick RELIGION, life in general in the Philippines can be characterized the daily competition to be the criminal rather than be the victim of the criminals. Even the legal profession is solidly behind organized crime as a profitable way of life in our sick society. - - - Poch Suzara

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