A/n: before you read

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Hey, just wanna say a couple things before ppl read.

1. I'm not coming for anyone's religion or beliefs.
In the story, I say things like "Satan is powerful" and "where is your God?" That's just for the story which was written for entertainment. I'm not trying to attack anyone or their religion. I don't actually mean anything that I say about God or the Devil. Please don't take anything I say personally. This was written for entertainment, not to insult or offend anyone's beliefs or anything like that.

2. This is my story.
I wrote this story, it's written how I want it to be. So please don't correct me on things like how many levels of hell there are, because I know. Please don't correct me on what powers a demon can and can't have. Don't correct me on things like that because I did my research beforehand. I just want what I write to be as original as possible, so I change things up a little.

3. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you're confused.
It's ok if you're confused! 😂😂 just comment your questions and I'll get back to you ASAP to clarify.

4. Vote and comment so I know I'm doing a good job.
I think my story is good, but voice your thoughts on it too! Your feedback lets me know how good or bad of a writer I am. Positive and negative feedback both help, just don't be an asshole if you're doing negative feedback. "This chapter was boring [enter advice here]" is much more preferable than "this chapter was shit, do better".

5. Thank you to my previous readers on my last story.
Y'all, Against All Odds has been doing awesome! So many reads! Thank you! If you haven't read Against All Odds and you like vampires and werewolves, that's the story for you. It kind of sucks at the beginning tbh 😂😂😂😂😂😂 BUT IT GETS BETTER, I PROMISE. WORTH THE READ.


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6. I don't describe the appearance of God or the Devil.
They look however you think they look. That's up to you.

7. I'll update every week on Fridays.

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