Chapter 18: For Freedom, Prosperity, and Happiness

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3rd Person POV

6 days.

Eva's been Queen for 6 days.

All this time, she's done her duties, but still carried out her mission on the side.

In this time, she's spoken to all of the demons who owe her, and every single one of them are with her plan. Everything was coming together perfectly. Tomorrow is the attack, the freedom, and Eva's second chance at life.

Don't think this whole thing was easy though, it's been nerve racking. Eva didn't know if her Master was watching her or not, if he could hear her conversations, if he could see what she was up to. All day, every day, she was on her toes, alert and aware of all those around her. But not today.

Since all was well in Hell and her plan has been fine, she's going to go see Andy for a bit, taking some time to relax before war.

"Master, I'm going to earth for a soul or two, I'll be back soon." She let him know.

"Why not eat the souls I have for you? Do they not satisfy you?" He asked in a displeased tone.

"It's not that. It's just that I enjoy the hunt. I'm a Corruptor, it's what I do." Eva shrugged.

"True. I'll see you later then, but don't spend too much time out there. Your duties await when you get back." He watched after her as she left.

She ran upstairs to her room, drew a tree on her closet door, and said, "Evangeline departs."

From there, the portal opened to Andy's apartment door. She didn't want to open it directly in his room again just in case her Master was watching.

As she stepped over to earth and her human appearance took form, she knocked on his door. When the portal closed behind her, Andy opened.

"EVA!" He squealed, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Hey, Stud!" She laughed.

For Andy, it felt like a lifetime since he last saw her. This was scary for him. Every passing day without hearing from her made him think she was possibly dead. Releasing her from his hug was almost impossible.

With his arms still around her, Andy and Eva went into his room and laid in bed.

"I'm sorry I haven't visited in days. I'm Queen now, and I have Queen shit to do." Eva apologized.

"Like what?"

"I have to practice my powers, observe different levels of Hell to make sure everything's ok, I've promoted a couple demons too," she looked at him, "how have you been?"

She observed him closely, noticing the dark circles under his eyes that stood out from his porcelain skin. She knows he's not completely ok, so he better not say he is.

"I'm still processing meeting God...I haven't slept very well, and I've been telling John and my work boss that I'm sick so I haven't been recording anything or working." His voice sounded weaker when he told her that.

"Well, you are half human. Humans tend to process longer than demons or angels. You'll be ok though. This will all be over soon...tomorrow." Eva smiled, intertwining her fingers with his.

"It happens tomorrow?"

"Yes! I've gathered my forces. They know tomorrow's the day."

"What's the plan?"

"I bring them all to my house and duplicate my powers to all of them. Since they'll have the power to enter the Devil's Black Lands unharmed, they'll raid the castle. The odds are one against more than one hundred. They'll overthrow Satan while I get the Blades of Virtue and end him once and for all." She explained.

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