Chapter 6: I'm not Someone Who is Loved or Someone Who can Love

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I'm a cold blooded, merciless demon, incapable of compassion. I'm a killer of demons and certain angels. I'm a corruptor of humans. I'm not someone who is loved or someone who can love.

But most of all, I'm...a snake lover. I know I said I couldn't love, but snakes are a part of me...literally. And I love me.

"My adorable, little snakey snaaakkeess." I talked to them like they were babies.

Stella squeezed my left arm while Alien slithered up one of my wings. Corona and Roman stayed in their burrows, they're chill.

Next to me, my phone dinged...funny that I have reception in Hell 😂. I looked at what was on the screen:

Andy: Hey! Wanna watch Saw movies with me?

Finally! Why do guys take half a century to text the female first? It's been 4 days since we last saw each other.

I slowly texted him back as I'm still getting used to where the letters are on the keyboard: Yes! I'd love to. What time do I come over?

Andy: Around 7 is fine, dress comfortably.

Me: Ok, see you later.

Andy: I can't wait. 😊

"Man, I've never worked so hard to snatch a soul." I sighed, holding Stella close to my face. She stuck her tongue out and licked my nose. I kissed the top of her head.


"Bye, babies, I'll be back in a couple of hours." I said bye to my snakes as I stepped over to earth. This time, my portal opened behind Andy's apartment complex. This time, instead of some jumpsuit or sexy dress, I'm wearing a soft T-shirt and sweatpants.

On my way up to Andy's apartment, I sort of understood why people download apps on their phones. The elevator was boring, I could learn how to play a game or two.

Let's see...503...507...510...and 512. I knocked. I counted the seconds it took for Andy to open the door; I counted to two.

"Eva!" He hugged me immediately and kissed my cheek. At least he respects my wishes.

I kissed his cheek back, "Hey, Andy."

"Ready for the first Saw movie? You'll be so shook."

"I'm ready to be shook!"

"Want a snack before it starts?" He asked, motioning to his kitchen.

"Your soul would be nice," is what I wanted to say, but instead I just said, "no thanks, stud."

We sat down on his big, soft couch and he played the movie. We were sitting like a foot away from each other...I don't know, I felt awkward.

"Lay back a bit." I nudged him to lay down.

As he rested his head on the arm of the couch, I laid on top of him, cuddled up close. He placed his hand on my back and rubbed soothingly...I could've fallen asleep at that point, and demons don't sleep 😂.

...but then he stopped! Nooo! "Hey! Keep rubbing my back, it feels good." I commanded.

"Haha, you're so cute." He continued.

I didn't mean to be, but ok.

As we watched this movie, the way these people were challenged, and most of the time, killed was amazing. The gadgets the killer uses are incredible. I named all of them as I saw them, like the Jaw Ripper. This movie has me captured.

Later on in the movie, the main character in one of the killer's challenges was cutting his own foot off to escape from his ankle chain. "YYYYEEESSSSS, CUT THAT FOOT OFF, LET'S GOOOO!!!" I jumped off of Andy. I saw that he was asleep and jolted awake from my screaming. "YOU WERE SLEEPING?!"

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