Chapter 19: War

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3rd Person POV

Eva ran down to the throne room with the blades strapped on her, her wings covering her front so Satan wouldn't see.

"What's going on?!" She asked in a fake panicked voice.

"I don't know! I can't see it!" He kept his eyes closed, trying to form an image of the disturbance.

Eva could see the sweat forming on his face, hear his distress and rapid breathing...she couldn't help but to smile at it.

Being a good actress, Eva started hyperventilating and trembling. She sat on the floor like her legs gave out, and kept her wings around her.

It stayed like that for a moment; a quiet dread where they could only hear each other's breathing. Then came Eva's army, crashing through the windows and breaking down the doors. Glass flew everywhere, twinkling once more as they'd never twinkle again. The giant double doors at the front of the castle splintered as they were ripped off their hinges.

"WHAT-" Satan tried to say, but the army of demons knew what their job was. They piled onto him, keeping him down on the floor.

"Perfect," Eva stood up, "move him to his throne."

"Yes, Mistress." They obeyed.


The demons seemed to have already mastered levitation in the short amount of time they waited. They backed away from Satan with their palms towards him, keeping him down. Then they lifted him up, maneuvering him to his throne.

He refused to sit, so four demons forced his body to go into a sitting position. As he was seated, he spoke, "when this is over, you'll'll all pay. I will make each and every one of you suffer for the rest of your afterlives, no matter how valuable you were to me. I'll freeze you in my lake, drown you in the boiling blood rivers, and rip off the wings and horns you don't deserve."

The crowd of 100+ demons made it impossible for him to move as they all held him down. The demons split down the middle to let Eva walk through. She soon stood in front of him with a smile.

"You," his eyes bore into hers, "you will suffer forever. I'll make sure of it."

"Oh, shut your trap." She snapped.

"...Excuse me?" His face was incredulous.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm talking...anyway, no one here will be suffering from your hands. your last day!" She laughed, letting her wings reveal the blades. "For I shall smite thee."

"What are simple knives going to do to me?" The Devil shook his head.

"These are the Blades of Virtue...loaned to me by God-"

"Impossible! When did you meet him?! Why would he appear to you?!"

"None of your business, but he did. And the word of God is...if I kill you, Hell will no longer exist...and all demons and tormented souls that reside here will join him in Heaven to serve him. For freedom, prosperity, and happiness."

The demons put more force on Satan when Eva said those three words.

"He lies-" the Devil began.

"God doesn't lie, you do, it's in your nature. Don't even try to manipulate me, there's no saving yourself." Eva pulled one of the blades out of its sheath. "Oh look, this one's named Humility...this is for all the pride you hold. 'Yes, Master' my ass." She stabbed the blade through his right hand, going so deep that the tip sunk into the arm of the throne as well. And she left it there to sizzle against his flesh.

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