Chapter 20: Butterfly Wings

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Just feeling the tree again made me want to throw up, and I almost did, but something else caught my attention.

An envelope I didn't see before was on the ground in front of me. I picked it was soft white paper, and the gold wax seal bore a cross; it's a message from God.

I opened the letter. It read:


You killed Satan, so I made you human and accepted all others into Heaven as promised. Thank you.

I woke you in these woods of Roanoke as this was the last place your human body laid. In this letter is a plane ticket to Los Angeles, California. All you need to do is go to the airport. Along your journey, I've placed good people to take care of you.

Go to him, he waits for you.

~ God

Andy...he's waiting, I gotta fuckin go.

Putting the letter back in the envelope, I started walking as if I knew where I was going...because a small part of me did. I knew these woods once, like the palm of my hand. Even though it's been a little over 300 years, I still have a sense of them.

My mental map took me from the woods to some random street a mile later. I was in some neighborhood with houses lined up and down the streets.

I was thinking about what direction to go in when a yellow cab pulled up in front of me. The window rolled down to reveal the driver who was a little old man, probably 60 years of age.

"Hi, miss! Need a ride somewhere?" He asked.

I looked in God's envelope again and he didn't supply any money. If I need a cab ride, I'll have to pay.

"I don't have any money on me." I told him.

"Not to worry! Today is when my company gives free rides. Hop in and tell me where to go." I heard him unlock the back doors.

I got in his cab and strapped in, "I need to get to the Roanoke regional airport please."

"You got it." He smiled.

This man gave off a warm feeling. I felt comfortable with him in his cab. He seemed like a very nice person.

"So where will your plane be taking you?" He glanced back at me in the rear view mirror.

"To California."

"California? Are you going for a vacation?"

"I'm going...for the love of my life."

"You don't know how many girls I've had in this cab where they say the same thing. And guess what? Just like I drive them to their men, I drive them back to where they came from, because they didn't work out. Are you sure he's the one?"

"I'm 100% sure he's the one. We promised each other that we'd be together forever. I know him, he knows me."

"Alright, I better not have you in the backseat of my cab again unless you're here to visit." He chuckled.

The cab ride was actually only 20 minutes. We soon came to a stop at the doors of the airport where what looked like thousands of people were going in and out.

"Hope you have a nice flight." The man said before I left.

"Thank you!" I waved goodbye.

The airport was enormous on the outside, and even bigger on the inside. There were places for food, escalators, elevators, seating areas, book shops, tech shops, lots of stuff.

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