Chapter 3: He's Mine Now

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Secure (something) definitively, excluding the possibility of reversal or loss.


"We're here." Andy parked his car. I looked around; cherry blossom trees were scattered around the area and sidewalks waited to lead us deeper into...wherever we are. My eyes scanned over more of the area and spotted a sign labeled "Lake Balboa Park".

"It's beautiful, I've never really been here before." I pretended to be interested.

"This is where I spend most of my free time. I like writing here. I feel at peace and it gets my flow going. Are you an outside person?" He started getting out of the car.

I did the same, "not really, I spend most of my time inside." Actually, I spend most of my time hunting for pure souls or in my cave with my snakes...but he can't know that, duh.

"I wanna show you a couple things. We'll follow the sidewalk here, to the left of the tree with the looped trunk." He pointed to the tree. It sort of looks like the letter "b", a loop at the bottom, then going straight up.

He led the way, a warm breeze flew between us, blowing my short hair to the side. "So tell me about you, I've spilled like a quarter of my guts to you already." He smiled at me....ouch. He wants to know about me? Here come the lies.

"Ok...I'm 22 years old." I gave him one lie at a time. I'm really 322 years old.

"I'm 22 too. When's your birthday? Mine's December 26."

"Ummm, I prefer to keep that a secret. I'll tell you someday though." (Actually, I don't remember my birthday; I don't remember the date it fell on.)

"Are you from here?"

"Yes, born and raised here in California, and you?"

"I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio, but came here to pursue my musical career. Do you have a job? Where do you work?" He questioned me further. My, my, my, he's very curious.

"I'd like to keep that a secret as well. Again, I'll tell you someday."

"Alright, that's fine. Uhh...what was your childhood like?"

"My childhood...from what I can remember, it was wonderful. I was an outside person then. My parents were strict, so I was homeschooled, but I still made friends. What about yours?"

"I...uh...I was put up for adoption when I was born. In an orphanage, I grew up with a lot of kids. I never knew who my actual parents were and I don't really care to find out. I'm doing just fine without them."

"Oh, I don't have any parents either...not anymore. They died in a car crash two years ago." I lied again. How they really not to be talked about. Yes, even a demon doesn't want to talk about the death of her parents.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." He stopped walking abruptly.

"It's fine, I'm fine, that was a while ago." I shrugged.

"That really sucks. You actually had parents...I was never adopted, I never knew what it was like."

He's starting to get all up in his feelings, time to pretend I care. "Oh, Andy...sure, having parents is great. They're the people we mostly look up to and follow after, they encourage us to live our best lives, they give life advice...but look at yourself. Look where you are now. You've gotten this far without them, you can go even farther." I side hugged him and rubbed his back comfortingly.

"That's true, things probably would've went differently if I had parents. I probably wouldn't be here yet. That's a nice way to think about it." He half smiled, hugging me back. I smirked to myself; now he's starting to trust me. "Do you have any siblings?" He wanted to know.

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