Chapter 14: Pray For Me

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3rd Person POV

Eva was nervous for Andy's arrival after work the following day. As she waited for him to show up any minute now, she was hyperventilating, and sweating profusely. For a moment, she thought she was dying; she never felt nervousness until today. She nearly had a panic attack, but Andy knocked on the door before that could happen.

Eva took deep breaths to take control of her lungs again. When she felt better, she opened the door, "Hey, Andy."

"Hi, Eva," he came in, "so what's up?"

"Please, sit in the living room." She walked with him and sat him down.

"Ok, well since you actually called me by my name, this is serious." Andy said.

"Yes, it's very serious. No matter what you hear, please stay and listen so you understand. I'm trying to protect you. Will you listen to everything I have to say?"

"Of course."

"Ok...remember when we met and I said I wasn't your average person?"


"I wasn't talking about my job, house, or car...those are all lies," Eva cringed at her confession, "none of them are real, none of it is mine. I was talking about myself. Just will no longer love me when you see who I truly am. But in order to protect you, you must know my of the only truths I hold."

"Eva, the only thing I've really been paying attention to is you as a person and I love you. I told you from the beginning, I don't care about your material things. And if you're about to reveal that you're bald, or you have a glass eye, or missing teeth, I wouldn't care about that either." Andy assured her, not knowing that her secret is so much more than that.

"No, I'm...I'm not a person. Andy, so you understand that everything I'm saying is real, you're about to witness something...something that will change what you believe in. Don't run, don't scream, don't look away. You have to see me."

"...ok..." he was unsure about what was happening.

Eva turned her back to him...and unleashed the beast inside of her. Her skin turned pitch black. Her hair grew down past her back, taking its black to red ombré color. The black and red scales of a snake coated her arms, torso, and legs.

While Andy watched, his eyes widened at the sight and his heart began to pound.

Blue-grey human eyes converted to fiery snake eyes with vertical slits. Down the middle of Eva's head, 7 tiny horns poked out, parting her hair. Spikes ran along her jawline, small and sharp.

Andy covered his eyes with his hands, but still heard the shifting and cracking of bones to create the extra body parts Eva was made of.

The tail of a rattlesnake rattled as it formed, and the wings of a dragon ripped their way out of Eva's back. Last, but certainly not least, her fangs, snake tongue, and venom made their presence in her mouth.

She bore her fangs, spread her wings, unsheathed her claws, and showed Andy the true meaning of fear.

"E-E-EVA! OH GOD! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" He covered his mouth to muffle his screams. When his eyes connected with hers, he teared up. He saw a completely different...thing. It was his turn to almost have a panic attack and possibly die.

"'s ok, I'm not going to hurt you." She approached with caution, afraid that Andy would try to run. His breathing was rapid and shaky. "It's still me, still Eva, but in my true form. Breathe, calm down, I mean no harm." She attempted to settle him down.

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