Chapter 21: Never

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3rd Person POV

The very next morning, 10AM, Andy and Eva woke up almost melted into each other. Andy's right arm hugged her neck and his left arm was on her thigh. Eva's legs were around him and her arms locked around his chest to his back.

"Chick?" Andy looked down at the top of her head.

She tilted her face up to him, "Hm?"

"It's time to wake up. We have a lot to do today."

"Like what?"

"You don't have any clothes or toiletries, so we need to get those. And I have to call John to tell him we'll be recording again. Let's get to it." Andy got up and went to his-...well, they live together now...their bathroom. "Come brush your teeth, I have toothbrushes."

"Back in my day, we didn't have toothbrushes. You'd think I had a pretty smile, but eh...I was missing a molar or two." She laughed.

They brushed their teeth and washed their faces, then went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Damn, I need food too. I have cereal..." Andy gave Eva a look like he was sorry he didn't have anything better.

"That's not a problem, anything is fine." She told him.

When they had their cereal, they settled on the couch. Andy put American Horror Story on the TV while they ate; it was on the list of what Eva needed to see.

She sat there, eating, watching the show, and occasionally glanced at Andy sitting next to her. Just being there with him made her happy, she even felt like she was married to him. They've been through a lot in a short amount of time, there's no way they could separate.

Eva scooted closer to his side until her shoulder touched his. Andy put his arm around her, kissing the side of her head.

This has been Eva's dream: to wake up with Andy, not a care in the world. No need to report to Satan, no need to leave, nothing to keep track of...she was finally at peace.

They soon finished their breakfast and got dressed. Andy wore a white shirt and black jeans, and Eva...she didn't want to wear her dress and heels because her feet would hurt later. If she were still a demon, they wouldn't hurt, since demons weren't as fragile. Eva also just wanted to wear Andy's clothes.

She chose to wear his Batman pj shirt, matching Batman boxers, and oh, shocker, matching Batman slides. It was either bands or Batman with Andy, or just plain black and white.

Andy had only seen her in pajamas once before. Now he'd see her in all forms; dressed up, in pajamas, with and without makeup, occasionally ill, and in his clothes. The good, the weird, the bad, the beautiful...but never the ugly. Eva was never ugly to him.

"Alright, let's get going, my lovely lady." He chuckled, taking her hand into his, and kissing her.

The couple first went to Target to get Eva's toiletries. And in the parking lot, they found $40!

"We really need the money, I wasn't sure how much we'd be able to buy." Andy let out a breath of relief.

"God provides when we need it. He's always watching over us." Eva wasn't completely surprised. She knew God and his ways.

They went into Target and got Eva's stuff and some food. After they dropped that off at the apartment, it was time to go to the mall.

This is the part where Andy's nervous. The $40 covered everything they got in Target, and his mall budget is about $200. That's probably enough to get 2 outfits at American Eagle...not enough.

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