Chapter 2: You Grew a Dick?

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I stayed in the same place until the sun started rising; in Andy's bed, him still sleeping next to me. I've been here, pondering back and forth in my head why I actually had mercy.

If my Master had witnessed that disgusting display, he would've punished me. And Andy's soul was so good too, how dare I spit it back out? It deserved to be consumed without hesitation. Ugh, why am I still here? I should've left after last night's failure.

As quietly as possible, I started getting out of his bed. All I have to do is stand up and leave, I can do this. If there's anything I can do, it's this. My feet touched the carpet and I stood up silently; even with no sound, Andy shifted.

After tiptoeing across the room, I opened the bedroom door...CREEAAAAKK. FUCK. Peering over my shoulder, Andy stretched and slowly sat up, FUCK, FUCK, BYYEEEE.

"Eva? Wait!" He called after me.

That only made me run faster. Down the hall, past the living room and kitchen, I swung his apartment door open, and sprinted for the elevators.

"Hey, hold on!" I heard his treads following mine. I bolted into the elevator and pressed the "ground level" button, then the "close doors" button a million times...but they weren't fast enough.

"Eva," his slender body squeezed through the closing doors, "did I do something? Why were you running?" Andy stood in front of me, panting with his messy hair, wrinkled clothes from last night, tired voice, and drowsy eyes looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"I-I have somewhere to be, running late."

"I just wanna say that...even though I don't remember much from last night, it was fun. Before I bumped into you, I was with my friends. I had more fun with you than them. I was wondering if you'd like to-to hang out again?" He scratched the back of his neck.

Again? Has he...taken a liking to me? Hmmm...interesting.

"I'm forewarning you right now; I'm not your average person. If you really do want to see me again, you'll know where to find me." I told him, bounding out of the elevator when the doors opened again.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked, still following me.

"Not necessary!" I shouted behind me for him to hear.

I ran by another apartment complex and went behind it. If I'm trying to get back to Hell, I need to find a doorway, and no one can see me do this. Going back and forth from Hell and earth, we can use any doorway. Anything that opens and closes securely, and anything we can fit through.

The thing is, it's daylight out; people could see me. Now I gotta find a secluded spot to leave through. Scanning the ground behind the apartments, I found what I was looking for: a sewer. No one's back here, it'll be quick, this is fine. I took my finger and started drawing a pentagram on the sewer top, the black lines temporarily inscribed on it.

Before opening it, I spoke what needed to be heard, "Evangeline returns." Once I lifted the lid, I saw my cave and my snakes waiting for me; home sweet home. Jumping into Hell, I let the sewer top fall, and the doorway to earth closed.

Now in Hell, my demon form took over again; the black and red scales, rattlesnake tail, dragon-like wings, snake fangs, serpent eyes, my whole demon-self was back. My snakes came to me and greeted me, slithering up my legs.

"Hi, babies! Did you miss me?" I asked them. They seem to smile whenever I come back. Stella wrapped herself around one of my arms, Corona hugged my opposite forearm, and Roman slid behind my neck. I put Stella up to my face and she tickled my nose with her tongue. I LOVE MY SNAKES, THEY'RE SO CUTE.

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