Chapter 7: A Home in Pasadena

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Andy waited for me by the doors of his recording studio as I walked up to him. We planned that I'd meet his manager and band mates, watch him, and sing with him today if his manager thinks I'm good enough.

"Hey, lovely." Andy hugged me.

"Hi, stud."

"Are you ready?"

"The real question is if they're ready for me in there." I laughed.

"Well they're not. You're a surprise." He walked me inside.

"Oh great, they're gonna shit themselves."

"Yea, probably." Andy chuckled.

And yea...they shit themselves.

"WOOOAAAHHH, woooaaahhh, wooaahhh!" The guitarist, Pat, freaked.

"W-who is...ANDY, introduce her!" Beau, the drummer, waited for my name...and probably my number too.

"Yea, who's the pretty guest?" John, the manager, asked.

"Guys...this is Eva. I've talked about her before." Andy smiled, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"And you and her are...together?" Pat looked from me to Andy.

"Yea, she's my chick." Andy nodded.

"And he's my stud." I added, looking at Andy like I loved him. Andy kissed the top of my head...I wanted to shrivel up and die. In a bad way.

"Eva, you and I should meet up sometime, get to know each other better." Beau winked at me. His soul is average, I have absolutely no interest.

"Eh, no thanks, I'm just fine with Andy." I declined.

"Back the fuck up, Beau, she's mine. Anyways, I brought her here to meet you all and to sing...if it's ok with you, John." Andy walked me into the recording booth.

"Sure, lemme hear her." John smiled. He flipped some switches and gave me a thumbs up.

"Alright, just sing to him like you sang to me." Andy pat my shoulder.

I did as Andy said and only 30 seconds later, John stopped me, "you're great! Did you want to be a solo artist?"

"Oh no," I shook my head, "I just wanted to add some of my vocals to Andy's songs."

"Well if you ever want to go solo, I'll support you all the're amazing. Let's get to adding your vocals for now." John operated his switchboard.


"That was fun! I don't know about pursuing singing as a career though. I wouldn't be able to come up with any lyrics." I shrugged as Andy and I headed to his car.

"If you ever seriously consider it, I can definitely help you. Speaking of careers...Eva, please tell me what you do for a living. Speaking of living too, please tell me where you live. You rolled up in a cab to meet me here and you're being pretty secretive about your current life. We're together, you know a lot about me, and I just want some equity. If you think I'm going to hurt you in some way, I'd never intentionally do that. Like, I'm not going to break into your house or steal your car. You've seen my place and my car, I don't need any material things from you." Andy stopped walking and stood in front of me.

My profession? My home? I can't just say, "I'm a Corruptor in Hell, the Devil is my boss. I'd love for you to come over, see my cave, and meet my snakes. OH! And you can meet my bestie, Death, too!" So what the fuck am I gonna do?

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