Chapter 1: He has a Jeffree Star Highlighter of a Soul

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Eva (Evangeline)

"Evangeline," the Devil called my name.

A portal of darkness started opening in my domain. On the other side, I saw the Devil's Black Lands; the decayed trees, bones littered on the dead grass, and the frozen lake with tormented souls trapped inside.

Anyone who steps on the grounds of the Devil's Black Lands will die. Except for Satan, it's his own domain.

A path of silver and sparkles of gold formed to the door of Satan's black castle.

"Walk on the path, Evangeline. Come to me." His voice instructed.

I jumped through the portal to the Black Lands, careful to land on the path and not on the ground. The path of precious metal was cold under my bare feet. I walked forward to the enormous palace where my Master waited.

I went past the giant, gothic doors of the castle, the interior no different from the outside. Past the foyer, in the room all the way at the back of the castle, sat the Devil. Another demon was there as well, but he was terrified. It looks like Satan has a punishment for him.

"Hello, Master." I greeted him with a bow.

"Hello, Evangeline...I'm in need of your assistance. This demon, Joseph, has betrayed me. I thought the best punishment would be from you. Go ahead." Satan gave me a small nod, motioning to Joseph. Joseph's wings trembled behind him.

I smiled widely with my teeth, letting my 3 inch fangs pop out soon after. "NO! PLEASE, MASTER, I'LL NEVER BETRAY YOU AGAIN!" Joseph cried out, going to his knees in front of the King.

"You can cross me once and only once. There is no mercy here," Satan snapped his fingers angrily, "end him now, Evangeline."

Joseph got to his feet and started running away...bad choice. With one leap, I tackled him under me, my hands pinning his wrists to the floor. He squirmed like a worm, trying to get out from my hold.

I leaned down to him with my mouth near his neck. He screamed one more time before I bit him. My fangs sunk into his demon flesh, my venom now injected into his body. Then I stood up to watch how beautifully he'd die; my wings fluttered in excitement.

The first things destroyed were his muscles; they melted away. Next was his skin, his black blood bubbled from inside the tissues as my venom ate away at his body. A puddle of demon blood and my venom began to form around him until only his bones remained; a gorgeous skeleton was all that was left.

"Another one to add to my collection! Thank you, Evangeline. You may leave now. Remember to stay on the path and don't fly." my Master held his hand out to me.

"You're welcome, Master." I took his hand and shook it.

It's fun when Satan invites me over to kill someone for him. We both love to watch.

As I walked back to my domain on the path, I saw one of my snakes trying to get out. Running to the portal, I swiped her up from the portal opening and jumped back into my room. The portal closed once I was through.

"Stella, be careful!" I scolded my white ball python. She's too curious, she could've died if she touched the Black Lands.

Confused? Let me explain a couple things.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm currently in Hell. I'm a demon here, to serve Satan in making the world a sinister place.

More importantly, I'm a creature-like demon. Creature-like demons are a sort of middle class in Hell. Some exist as traditional ram-like demons, some as lion-like demons; I was handpicked by Satan himself to be a serpentine demon.

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