Chapter 17: The Power

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When it was 11AM, earth time (since time doesn't really exist in Heaven or Hell), my Master and I took a portal to the largest level in Hell; The Level of Torment. This was the only level that could fit all of demon-kind at once.

We stepped onto what looked like a platform, being able to see the never ending ocean of demons under the black clouds over the atmosphere. All demons were told to meet here for my coronation, and when I saw everyone, I couldn't tell if every single demon was there or not. But our Master would know...he always knows.

"He's arrived!" I heard some demons gasp.

Just from that, the sea of demons erupted into a deafening cheer. I couldn't handle it, I had to cover my ears. My Master...all he did was raise his hand...and in less than a second, the crowd was silenced.

He lowered his hand, "greetings, all. I've summoned you here today to witness the coronation of Evangeline, the Serpentine Demon. She was carefully selected from a small group of demons to become Queen, and I assure you, she is my best choice."

As if he was a magician, he put his hands behind his back and pulled out a black crown with high spikes. "Evangeline, kneel."

"Yes, Master." I went down on one knee before him.

"We will now begin. Firstly, do you promise to serve our kingdom to the best of your ability? That after this, you will use your new powers to rule properly? And that we will rule together equally?" He asked.

"I do." I lied. Lying to him was now effortless.

"With this power comes great responsibility and knowledge, can you handle it? Could you someday silence a crowd like I did? Could you live up to be like me?"

"I most certainly can handle it. The crowd was silenced because they respect and fear you. If these demons don't feel the same with me, I'll make them. And I could never live up to be like you as you are the ultimate power, but I will try with every ounce of my being."

"You speak the right answers like you can read my mind. I swear, you're perfect for the role of Queen. One more question: Will you forever be faithful to me, Hell, and its demons? You will never turn your back on us?"

"I promise all of that and more. I will live to serve our kingdom until the very end if an end existed." I end does exist, and I'll bring it upon us for our own good.

"Very well. If you fail to do what you've promised here today, I will strip you of your Queen title and rank. You will start over as a tormented soul. Is that understood?"

"Yes, my King." I confirmed.

"All of you," he addressed the demons around us, "look at Evangeline and remember her. If she's speaking to you, listen. If she orders, you obey. And if she kills you, you had it coming."

It was so loud that it could've caused an earthquake, but every demon present answered, "Yes, Master."

"With this crown, I now deem Evangeline the Queen of Hell. May we work well together for all eternity." Satan finally placed the crown on my head.

With his permission, I stood up straight and faced the demons who were now not only his subjects, but mine as well. "Know your Queen's face and bow before her!" He commanded.

Watching the billions of demons, waves of them went down to their knees until I couldn't see more of them kneeling down for me. I almost wanted to fly up to see the rest of them going down, it was a mesmerizing sight.

"Master, may I receive my new powers now? Sorry to rush, but I'm excited." I said to him.

"Eager to rule? I'm glad. Of course you can have them, but when we're alone."

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