Chapter 12: Fun? Fun!

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3rd Person POV

Every other day for some weeks, Andy and Eva have met up to watch movies and hang out, growing ever closer, almost inseparable. Andy did promise a whole weekend with Eva and it's finally here.

"Ugh! He said he'd be here at 6! How long am I supposed to wait for him?" Eva was standing outside on her driveway for when Andy would show up. She's still as impatient as ever, still someone who shouldn't be kept waiting.

A few minutes later, Andy was driving up to her house, "Hey, Chick!"

"'re late." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"By 5 minutes! Traffic!" He parked and got out of his car.

"Still late." Eva pouted.

"Oh, come on," he hugged her from behind, "I'm taking you somewhere fun after we get my stuff in your house."


"You'll see. Here, you hold my keys while I take my suitcase out." He opened his trunk.

"You don't think I can carry a suitcase?"

"I don't want you to strain yourself, Chickie." He put some effort into getting it out.

Eva walked up to him, slipped one finger under the holding strap of his suitcase, and lifted it effortlessly. She's a demon after all.

Andy raised his brows watching her go in her house and put his stuff away. That suitcase was like 30 lbs and she lifted it with one finger.

She came back out, twirling Andy's keys in one hand, "Alright, let's go."

Andy caught his keys when Eva tossed them, and they got in his car. As they drove to this mystery place, Eva watched the lights of buildings outside her widow. She always preferred the night over the day. Maybe it was a demon thing, but she always liked the night more. It was the moon, the stars, the cooled air, and the sounds.

Eva noticed more colorful lights up ahead, "is that where we're going?"

"Yep!" Andy drove towards the bright place that lit up the dark.

After he parked, they stepped out of the car. Eva smelled the Sweet, salty, savory, all types of food. She observed the lights of vivid hues, colors she hasn't even seen before. Screams were heard in the distance which startled her...did he bring her here to die?

"What is this?" She asked.

"It's a carnival! Haven't you been to one?"

"If I have, it was a long time ago. What goes on at a carnival?"

"You can ride some roller coasters, go on the Farris wheel, ride the carousel, play games for prizes, it's super fun! Come on!" Andy grabbed her hand and led the way.

Beyond the parking lot, Eva saw a whole other world. Contraptions that spin people around, a giant spinning wheel near the back, these tiny cars that link together and go high speed on what looks like a train track, dinging sounds and lights that followed, stuffed animals hanging on walls behind's so overwhelming.

"We'll start off with the carousel, pick your animal." Andy snapped her out of her daze.

They were standing on the steps that led up to the carousel. Lions, tigers, horses, unicorns, even house cats were available to ride. Eva chose a black horse with grey mane to ride while Andy selected the lion behind her.

The ride started and the horse Eva was on went up and down on its pole. It was actually enjoyable for her; fun like Andy said.

"Fun?" Andy asked.

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