Chapter 16: Because I'll do Anything for You

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3rd Person POV

The seconds felt like years passing by after Satan said to begin. The demons kept their eyes on each other, watching who would attack first.

Jaxana raised both wings and swung them down, sharp feathers flying towards Eva and Sera. A feather nearly stabbed Eva's foot, but she slid out of the way. Sera caught two feathers and flung them back at Jaxana, and Jaxana shielded herself with her wings.

Eva pulled every feather she saw out of the ground, throwing them at both demons. Jaxana was able to dodge all of them, but Sera was nicked on her arm.

Eva knew everything was riding on her win; her Andy, her life with him, her future, her happiness...all possibility of that, going high and low in these moments. Her senses are heightened, her movements are swift, and her mind is set.

Eva flapped her wings, flying up and preparing to dive on Jaxana. She bore her fangs, shooting downward at the bird-like demon. Jaxana blocked Eva's attack, making Eva hit hard against the wings of steel.

The impact was strong; Eva slumped to the ground, a bit dizzy, her head spinning. Sera took her chance when she saw Eva was vulnerable. The Element demon opened her mouth, her slimy green vines slipping out. The vines wrapped around Eva's torso, the sticky substance felt thick on her snake scales.

Eva squirmed to get up and out of the vines, but once they touched her, there was no loosening them. Jaxana whipped her wings at Eva while she was trapped over and over again, the black feathers slicing through Eva's wings and in her arms that were protecting her body. Her black demon blood dripped and smeared on the floor.

Eva was so busy trying to block the lethal feathers that she didn't notice her body slowly sliding into Sera's mouth. Sera was consuming her whole like an anaconda would. If Eva put her arms down to try and pull herself out of Sera, Jaxana's feathers would surely find a way to slit her throat. She couldn't risk it. She couldn't risk dying now.

Sera exhaled, and with a fast inhale, Eva went down her throat, one of her arms sticking out of Sera's mouth attempting to grab something. Sera swallowed again, Eva's arm going down this time. Sera's stomach now had a large bump where Eva was located.

"Oh,'ve disappointed me. Two left, who shall be Queen?" The Devil was a bit surprised by the two that were left. He was expecting something different.

Sera's thorn bush hair came to life, going to capture Jaxana in a prickly hold. Jaxana sent as many feathers towards Sera as she possibly could, but it wasn't enough to stop Sera's hair from reaching her.

The thorns caught onto some of Jaxana's feathers and weren't letting go any time soon. The bird demon frantically fluttered her wings to try and escape the brambles, but like the vines, the thorns had a strong hold.

Suddenly, Sera screamed, "AH! IT-IT BURNS!" She motioned to her stomach, Eva still inside of course. "" Sera was close to crying.

"You should've been smarter than to eat the snake alive. You deserve what's coming to you." He sent her a scowl of dismay.

Then, Sera did start crying, her muscles becoming weak at a rapid rate. Soon, her legs gave out, so she fell to her knees. Her face hit the ground after that; she couldn't move her limbs anymore. She struggled to breathe as her lungs deteriorated. Now, instead of air, blood came out of her mouth.

Movement was seen from the inside of her back; the large lump that was Eva. Eva planted her feet flat and firm. With the full extension of her arms, wings, and legs, she tore through Sera's body, and was free again. Sera's remains continued to liquify, she was out of the battle.

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