Chapter 5: Don't Try Me, Angel

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If I'm going to get to the bottom of how Andy is the way he is, I need to take this seriously. I walked into the Apple store, a sales associate coming up to me instantly.

"Hi, welcome to Apple! What can I do for you?" He asked.

"I need a phone."

"Ok! We have the latest iPhone for you right here if you'd like it, $1,000."

"I'll take it...for free."

"Um...what?" The associate was confused.

I don't have time to fuck around, I need this phone to move on with my mission. My eyes connected with his and kept his attention hooked on me. As his pupils dilated, he was under my compulsion.

"Get that phone, get a case for the phone, set it up, and give it to me. I will pay nothing and walk out, you will not remember me once I'm out of the store." I whispered.

While he got my phone set up, I watched his every move; watched how he maneuvered the newest technology of the human world. I still don't understand why people need all of these extra things like these things called "apps". Humans themselves are so extra.

"Ok, you're all set up." The associate handed me my phone.

"Thanks, remember to forget me." I started towards my exit.

"Yes, ma'am." He obeyed.


I crossed my legs for the 100th time while I sat on a bar stool in The Hideout. The last time I talked to Andy was a week ago. I'm hoping he'll come by The Hideout tonight, and if he doesn't, I'll just have to go to him.

"Your margarita, miss." The bartender placed my fourth drink in front of me.

"Thank you." I smiled, keeping my eyes on the doors, waiting for the blinding soul to walk in.

I twirled my straw, finished my drink, and played with the glass...and then I was impatient. Only a little peeved, I shoved the margarita glass off the bar, letting it shatter on the other side. Did he...give up on me? Yea, we haven't talked in a week, but if you're interested in someone, you should try to be persistent. I'm not someone you should keep waiting. I'm not someone he should keep waiting.

I was about to step down from my bar stool when the bright beam I was sticking around for finally appeared. He knew where to look first and made eye contact with me.

"Eva!" I could hear him over the music. He was so excited to see me that he ran in my direction...he made me smirk.

"Hey, stud!" I waved, turning to face him in my seat.

"Where have you been? I've checked in here almost every night to see you."

"I come here about 3 times a week, no specific days."

"I've...uh...missed you."

"Awww, you're so sweet. I've missed you too."

"Are you doing anything else tonight? Wanna hang out?"

"I'd love to! What are we doing?" I grabbed his hand, walking us outside.

"We can take a stroll on Hollywood Blvd, do anything that catches our eye."

"Sounds fun, let's go!" I fake laughed excitedly that was real enough for him to believe.

"Oh, and before I forget, can I get your number?"

"Sure. Actually, give me yours, I can drop call you and you'll have my number." I'd be lying if I said I didn't study the lingo and operations of my phone while I waited.

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