Chapter 15: The Story of Evangeline

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3rd Person POV

Evangeline Evans, born in 1695 (exact date n/a), daughter of Emily and Vince Evans.

In 1590, there was a colony that earned the name, "The Lost Colony". This colony was left alone for 3 years, and when the original leader came back to check on them, they were gone. Nothing was found of anything.

Trying to re-establish the colony 100 years later, Emily and Vince asked for permission to rebuild for 5 years. Emily was organized and always had plans for anything that came their way...then back up plans for those plans just in case. She was a lady who had her shit together. Vince was alive to explore; he was born for it. On top of that, he was an excellent manager, perfect to take the lead. An orderly woman and efficient man were the new governors of the 2nd attempt at a colony in Roanoke.

In 1705, they and 100 colonists began moving over to Roanoke; Evangeline was 10 years old. She grew up an adventurer like her dad; she loved the outdoors, even more when they arrived at Roanoke. She and her friends often played outside in the woods trying to discover new things.

An Indian tribe named "The Hatteras" were located nearby and discovered the colony, possessive of their land at first. As they interacted with the colony, they saw they were not a threat and started their trade system.

As the colony learned how to grow food from The Hatteras, they taught The Hatteras about God.

Evangeline was always surrounded by Christianity with her religious upbringing. She believed in a God and feared the Devil, but she knew God wouldn't let Satan touch her.

At 17, she was a beautiful young woman. As her parents were the governors, everyone knew Evangeline. People compared her beauty to that of an angel; her blue-grey eyes, platinum blonde hair, and kind personality deemed her an angel in the colony. She served her colony as a teacher for the children, teaching them about God and his angels.

On one night in the year of 1712, Evangeline being 17, was walking one of her friends home.

"We will take the shortcut through the woods, my parents do not like me going out too long at night." Evangeline told her friend, Rebecca.

"Right, let us hurry." Rebecca agreed.

So they took the shortcut that Evangeline knew. It only took 5 minutes to walk to Rebecca's house, then there were the 5 minutes to return.

If God exists, Satan does too. If there are worshipers of God, there are worshipers of Satan.

As Evangeline was walking back to her house, she was not alone in those woods. It was her and 4 devil worshipers. They were stalking her like lions stalking their prey. And when someone gave the signal, they all pounced on her. They got her arms and legs, then took away her voice and vision when they knocked her out.

From there, they took her into the deep woods and tied her up against a tree. The tough ropes chafed her skin, and the blow to her head left a large bump.

"Is this one really worth the sacrifice?" One of her violators asked the others.

"Who better to sacrifice to Satan than the angel of the colony?" Another responded.

These people of the colony carved Evangeline with pentagrams all over; on her forehead, cheeks, arms, legs, anywhere they could find. They cut deep and hard, butchered her skin like a cow. Such a shame she did not die of blood loss, her violators had something else in mind.

She woke when they were done. She had blood that seeped into her eyes from her forehead.


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