Chapter 11: Don't Leave Me

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It feels like walking on air, so light, so right. It makes me want to dance...and I do, almost all the time; up and down the halls, on my bed, outside, everywhere. It brightens my vision of the world; things look prettier than ever before, like looking through rose tinted glasses.

When he says, "I love you", it's a whole other feeling. I feel my heart go crazy, I smile uncontrollably, and I get a beautiful sensation all over. That sensation is like warming up after walking outside in the winter, like being kissed by the sun gently enough not to get burned; the warmth of love enveloping me.

When I see him, I yearn to kiss him, and he yearns to kiss me too...but it just can't happen, you know why. If we do kiss, he won't remember. So for him, it's like we've never kissed before. What if he gets upset that I don't kiss him? What if he leaves me because of it? Well...may the nature of this relationship run its course I guess.

I set my thoughts of love to the side for a bit. It's been a couple days since I saw Andy. He'd been busy with his song, so I let him be. He's coming over today to make the movie list he promised me.

Before he arrives, I'm consuming a soul bottle. I'd been so preoccupied with Andy that I even forgot to eat what corruption demons need. My soul bottles are hidden in my snake room, behind the supplies my Master provided for me. Speaking of my Master, he hasn't checked in on me in days. I hope he's forgotten about me.

Just as I was finishing my bottle, my doorbell rang. I stashed my bottle away and ran to my stairs, where I hopped over the railing to the ground below. When I opened the door, I nearly ripped it off its hinges.

"Stud!" I jumped on him.

"Chick!" His arms wrapped around me.

"Oh, my name's 'Chick' now?" I kissed his cheek.

"You have 'Stud' for me, and I always call you my chick, sooo yea. I'll be calling you 'Chick' and probably 'Chickie'." He placed his plump lips on my forehead.

"That's cute, I like it!" I giggled as he set me down.


3rd Person POV

"Ok, so we have a good 100 movies on your movie list to start off with." Andy handed Eva the list. He incorporated almost every movie genre he knew into this list.

"I love the way you wrote this; the cute little check boxes and use of different colors. I can't wait to watch all of these with you!" She was genuinely excited. Spending time with Andy was always a wonderful time for her even before she knew it.

"Me neither! And we can definitely add on as new movies come out." Andy leaned back on the couch. They'll have many movie dates very soon.

"Yes! Oh, and how's the song coming along?"

"It's going well. I have my thoughts and your words written out. I'm trying to figure out where they should go and how to make it flow."

"Good! I'm glad. Singing with you is fun."

"Anything I do with you is fun." Andy laughed.

"I love you." Eva said it first this time. If she had to say it to him every second of every day, she would.

"I love you too, Chickie." He kissed her hand. Eva adored the nicknames given to her, she felt her body warming up. The warmth spread to her face until some pink made its appearance. "Is my Chickie blushing?" Andy kissed her face repeatedly making her laugh and hug him.

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