Chapter 10: All I Want to Hear

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I decided to take a break from Andy and the mission for a few days. I wanted time to think about...a lot of shit. The more I thought about it, the more I accepted that I was in love with Andy, and that's just how I feel. Death sort of knew it from the start; the minute I said I'd meet Andy a second time. I remember how wrong I was when I said a demon like myself couldn't fall in love. And here I am with a glowing chest.

"Evangeline..." Master's voice sounded.

"Yes, Master?" I looked up to his portal forming, but it was bigger this time.

"I need you, come." His hand reached out for me. I took it and he pulled me into Hell, his black castle.

Once there, my demon form took over; the hair, wings, fangs, tail, you know. I hadn't transformed in a while, it almost hurt.

I found us in a room with about 10 other demons...with blue color schemes and curly horns. Well, shit.

"Do any of these demons look familiar to the one with the glowing heart?" Master asked me.

"A glowing heart? Master, Evangeline has one." One of the demons said.

"You just want me to pay for your sin of coming to love something." I gave him a death glare.

"Evangeline is one of my best. She would never love, or lie to me about anything. One of you is in love with a human and must be wiped clean." Master crossed his arms over his chest.

"But Master, Evangeline's chest is glowing! She's the one!" Another demon shouted.


"Just think, think about the human your chest glows for; the color of their eyes, the feel of their skin, the sound of their voice..." I paced up and down the line of demons.

I faked a double take at one of the demons to the left of the line, "him, his chest, it illuminates." I pointed at Valadin, a lion-like demon. One could say he looks like a manticore that can stand upright.

"Valadin, step forward. The rest of you may leave." Master opened portals to the Level of Terror, and Level of Corruption. Valadin is one of those demons who is in debt to me. He'll be paying me back right now.

"Evangeline, you stay." Master added.

"Master, I'm not the one at fault. Evangeline is in love with someone, not me. Please, I'd never betray you." Valadin pleaded to our King.

"Evangeline has been with me longer. I know her inside and out. If she says you are the one who loves, I believe her."

Valadin's eyes widened with fear, "But-"

"He's the one, wipe him." I said.

Master looked Valadin in the eyes, compelling him, "you will forget everything about this human you love. If you see them again, you will think nothing of them. You are a demon of mine and you were made to serve me. No one will be put on top of me on your list of priorities."

Valadin held a blank expression for a little bit before coming back to his senses, "I am yours, and you are ultimate."

"Yes, good. You may both leave, I believe our issue has been settled." Master allowed us. I opened my portal and stepped back onto earth in my mansion.

Y'all...did I just order the King of Hell to do something?! I said to wipe Valadin, and he did without the King is kind of like my bitch now since he wants to trust me so much.

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