Chapter 8: Andy's...

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I spent the night in my house watching TV shows and movies, playing with the snakes, and splashing in the pool. At around 9AM, Andy responded happily to my text, telling me he'd come by after work; I made it a dinner date.

When I was looking around my pantry for what I could cook, Master called me. A few seconds later, his small portal opened, "how is everything?"

"It's all so beautiful, Master." I smiled.

"Have you told him about it yet?"

"Of course! I invited him right after I saw the whole place. We're having dinner here."

"Good to know the mission is still high speed. The faster you take him, the faster I can get you back to Hell and off this dirt ball."

"Yes, sir. You know I'll be doing my best." I nodded.

"Do you have any questions for me?"

"So far, no."

"Ok, I'll check up on you every now and then, but not every day. Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me."

"Yes, Master."

"S8N out." He left me in my pantry.

I decided on making lemon pepper chicken with a side of pasta salad. I don't actually know how I came up with the idea; I just thought for a second and it came to me. I'll start cooking an hour before he gets here, I should be done by then.


"Come on, come over to earth, it's fine." I begged my snakes to join me. I miss them! And who says they can't come with me?

Stella, my first snake ever, was trying her hardest to come over, but she was too scared. "Stellaaaaaa, Stellaaaaaa, just come here! It wasn't hard for you to try and cross over to the Devil's Black Lands..." I beckoned her.

My oven with chicken inside made a dinging sound, which startled my fucking snakes, and signaled me that my chicken was cooked. "Damnit...I'll see you guys later then." I closed my portal.

The time was 7PM...Andy's off work now, should be here soon. I plated the chicken and started working on the pasta salad once I took it off the stove. Working diligently, the pasta was almost done when Andy called my phone.

"Hey, stud! Where are you?" I asked.

"Standing outside the door to the house that's probably yours...can you come open? I just want to make sure this is your house and not someone else's."

"Sure, I'll be there in a sec." I hung up while walking to the door. This mansion is huge, it actually took me like 20 seconds to get to the foyer.

"Hi! Please come in!" I invited Andy inside. He stood there like he was paralyzed. "Um...Andy? Hello?" I waved my hand in front of his face.

"This is your house?! It's beautiful!" He scanned the outside again, then stepped inside.

"Thank you," I chuckled, "would you like to eat now? Or do you want a tour?"

"A tour!" He squealed.

We started with the downstairs where I showed him my living room, kitchen, dining room, all of that. The whole time, his mouth was open in awe. Not once did his mouth close.

"You good? Need some water?" I asked.

He closed his mouth and coughed from his dry throat, "I-I'm good."

"Well that's all of downstairs, are you ready for upstairs?"

"Not at all! Just-how?! This mansion is crazy!!!" He was breathless.

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