Chapter 9: Hermosa Beach

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Nephilim are the offspring of the "Sons of God" and "Daughters of Men"; half angel, half human. They are said to roam the earth not knowing what they are, never knowing their true identity as Nephilim; but since they are half angel, they came with a good purpose.

So Andy doesn't know he's Nephilim, he's just living life. And he lives that life helping others with his music; for a good purpose. He was an orphan, his dad was an angel, so he's gone. I don't know what happened to his mom, but she's gone too. He has this soul, isn't religious, but is half angel, so it would be bright af. I makes sense.

Oh! Master will be so proud of me when I tell him I found out who Andy really is! And then he'll...what will he do? Master said he's never heard of not being able to corrupt a soul...what if he takes Andy for himself? What if he takes Andy's soul away?

No, I won't let him. I want Andy. Me. Andy's soul will be blackened by my hand. I did all the grunt work, this is my mission alone. I'll just say I've made progress, not saying what I've progressed in specifically.

As I was still thinking about what to say to Master when he'd check on me, my phone dinged, making me jump. For a moment, I thought that Master was making his appearance...I was scared. I've never lied to him before, and when I do, there's no going back. I will have betrayed him and he can make me disappear with the wave of his hand.

The ding was a text from Andy.

Andy: Hey! I don't work at the mall today. Wanna go to Hermosa Beach with me?

Today? It's morning already? Damn.

Me: I'd love too!

Andy: Alright, pick you up around 3.

Now...what do people do at the beach? Believe it or not, I've never been there in my life...or afterlife. So I used the internet to search that too. Turns out people surf, dive, build sandcastles, hunt for seashells, and definitely more. I don't even know what any of those are! I guess I sort of understand hunting for seashells and diving. I also looked up what to pack, and wtf is sunscreen?

Anyways, I packed whatever I had around the house for the beach and went out to get a bathing suit since Master didn't supply me with one.

I drove around until I found some place called Target. On one of their signs, there was an ad about bathing suits. So I went in and looked in the women's section. Of course I chose the most exposing bikini I could find; I'm not here to play, I'm here to finesse my way to Andy's soul.

I went to a register with no line and compelled the cashier to let me leave with the bathing suit for free. I'll just finesse my way through everything. A demon living in this world has it very easy.


Andy picked me up later on with his shades covering his sky blue eyes. I hopped in the car, throwing my bag in the backseat, "What's goin' on, stud?"

"Going to the beach with you, pretty lady." He leaned over to me and kissed my cheek.

"Aw, you're so sweet!" I held his hand and kissed the back of it.

"Oh, and my band mates wanted to tag along. They asked me if they could go until I wanted to rip my ears off." He sighed, driving away from my house.

"That's fine with me!" I faked the excitement of seeing his friends again.

"What do you usually do at the beach?"

"I...well...ok, I gotta confess. I've never been to the beach before, and if I have, I don't remember."

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