Chapter 4: His Life

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I've left Andy alone for a couple days, I have my own business to attend to. I don't spend my existence only hunting for good souls, I do more than that. I deal my souls to the needy, I'm called upon by the Devil sometimes, I give advice on how to hunt...not too much though.

Since I'm one of the higher ranking Corruptors, I do have to watch over my level of Hell and protect it to make sure everything is ok. I know, you'd expect Hell to be full of chaos and destruction; that's only the Level of Torment and Level of Terror.

Here, on the Level of Corruption, we were told to be tame. We were told to be mature. We were told to be the most sinister beings we could be, but to keep it on the inside; show a beautiful face with a manipulative mind. We were told to be like Him. Like Satan himself. And I feel like I've succeeded in that.

A knock came from my cave door; I know Death wouldn't be visiting again so soon, it must be another Corruptor.

My snakes beat me to the door, hissing and ready to attack if necessary. "Eva? I'm in need of some help..." Someone said from the other side of my door. I unlocked the cage door, then the metal door; yes, a Corruptor waited for me.

"It's Evangeline to you, we're not friends. I know what you're here for, just a moment." I jogged back to my room, fluttering my wings a little to make me go faster. I'd go into detail about who this Corruptor is and what he looks like, but he's insignificant.

Scanning my soul shelf, I plucked a bottle quickly and ran back to my front door. My snakes slithered out of the way as they guarded the entrance. They wouldn't let just anyone into my cave.

"Here." I handed the demon my tiny bottle. He opened it and ingested the soul inside, "thank you, Evangeline." He gave my bottle back to me and was already turning to walk away...we're not done here.

"Hey!" I rattled my tail to grab his attention. "You today, me tomorrow."

"What does that mean?"

"You're in debt to me, you owe me. If I ever need a favor, you will deliver, no matter what the favor is." I clarified.

"Understood." He nodded, taking air under his wings to leave. As if I'd give souls away without a price, ppffffttt.

I closed my doors and went back to my room, placing my soul bottle back on the shelf...hold up. WTFFFF, I ONLY HAVE TWO SOULS LEFT.'s worth it though, about 100 demons owe me, no matter what the favor is. I would ask them for a restock of souls, but if I can do it myself, why waste a favor?

I took the 5 empty soul bottles and opened my portal to earth. "Evangeline departs." I said, stepping to the other side. As my human form took over, I made my outfit include a bag for my bottles.

As always, I'm behind The Hideout. It's 2AM in the human world and the club was still pumping with music. By this time, the most purest souls would either be passed out on the floor or leaving.

If I can't find the best five souls here, I'll have to hunt elsewhere. I won't settle for any soul darker than light grey. Only desperate demons go after souls that are already dark or nearly black with natural corruption.

I swept my platinum blonde hair to the side, catching a glimpse of light going out of the club. And so I went after my first target of the night.


"Follow me, I wanna show you something cool." I held my prey's hand, guiding her outside to the back of The Hideout. She stumbled and staggered as she walked with me, giggling and having a fun time.

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