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"I shouldn't have done that," Michael thought to himself as he drove back to his house. He regretted yelling at Jeremy, he knew how much the boy hated being yelled at- even if he yelled first.

A few stray tears were already streaming slowly down Michael's face as he ran up the stairs and out of Jeremy's house.

Now, he was wailing for the second time that day.

Michael pulled up to his driveway and got out of his car.

As soon as he stepped out of the car, Michael felt extremely unsettled. He could've just been paranoid in his emotional state, but he could've sworn he heard a branch snap at the side of his house.

He took a deep breath and got back into the car. He wanted to go back to Jeremy's- and he probably would- but Michael needed some time to think about things.

He left his house, the twinge of anxiety from his paranoia starting to fade.

As much as Michael wanted a slushie, he opted to go to the small café in town instead.

Right now, all he needed was a comforting cup of coffee. Well, he needed Jeremy too, but he decided not to dwell on it for too long.

Like usual though, Jeremy couldn't get out of Michael's head.

As Michael's coffee arrived to his table, he made a decision.

"I have to tell him."


Sadie was far more than infuriated. This was the first time in a while that she didn't get her way, and someone was going to pay.

All she wanted in the first place was Jeremy, but now another item was added to her wish list.

She wanted to hurt Michael.

She decided to go with the plan she and Christine set up. Of course, the whole attraction to Jeremy thing wasn't part of the plan, but Sadie couldn't help it.

In Sadie's eyes, Jeremy was stunning. So, of course her first thought would be to take advantage of him. It's just what Sadie did.

She stopped at her house and got the things she needed. She's never hurt anyone physically before, but it wasn't something she was afraid of.

She couldn't care less if Michael was dead by the time she was finished with him. She just wanted revenge.

With that, she drove to Michael's house, parking a few blocks away so she didn't blow her cover.

Purse filled with a few freshly sharpened knives, Sadie sprinted towards Michael's house.

When she got there, she tried the best that she could to not create any footprints in the dirt path.

Sadie ended up walking in the grass and leaping over the path to get behind the bush at the side of Michael's house.

She went over the plan in her head. "As soon as Michael gets to that exact spot on the pathway, I will attack." She coaxed herself to not chicken out as she heard a car coming down Michael's street.

Her hand with the sharpest of the knives was slightly shaking, but as soon as she remembered what Michael did, she firmly tightened her grip.

She had never been more ready for anything in her life.

Michael pulled into his driveway and Sadie took her position.

He got out of the car and Sadie shifted a little bit.


A small twig under Sadie broke with her weight. Sadie held back the string of obscenities, hoping Michael hadn't heard.

She looked up again and saw Michael about to take a step forward.

He got back into his car and drove away.

Sadie let her anger flow freely.

"You win this time, Mell, but I'll be back before you know it."


Michael left the coffee shop after getting a hot chocolate to go for Jeremy.

He didn't let himself hesitate as he drove back to the boy's house.

Michael went into the house without knocking, hoping that Jeremy was okay.

He ran downstairs to the basement where he saw Jeremy tossing and turning in his sleep.

Michael gently nudged Jeremy's shoulder in attempt to wake him up, which took a lot longer than expected.

Jeremy slowly regained consciousness as he opened his eyes to see a very distressed Michael.

"W-what are you doing here? I thought you l-left me?"

Jeremy sniffed, remembering the day's events.

"I'm going to tell you why, but you can't let anyone know. And no, as much as I want to, we can't get back together anytime soon until this whole thing blows off."

Jeremy was wide awake now, urging Michael to continue.

"Okay, so this morning, Sadie came over and asked me for your address because she wanted to apologize."

Jeremy nodded slowly, soaking up the information.

"Well, she pulled me into a hug and threatened to hurt you if I didn't break up with you, and now here we are!"

Jeremy was pretty furious with Sadie at the moment.

"Oh, and she mentioned something about talking to Christine in jail?"

Jeremy winced at the mention of Christine.

He was in denial after the breakup, but now he realized how nothing added up.

All Jeremy wanted was for his life to return back to normal.

He needed to find a way out of this mess.

A/N: For the first time in a while, you'll probably get a second chapter today!

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