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Naturally, Michael went to Jeremy's again the next day.

They didn't want to really put a label on their current situation, considering they didn't want the news to get out. They acted like they did as boyfriends, but they wouldn't tell anyone.

Currently, Jeremy was laying his head in Michael's lap as they played some Apocalypse of the Damned- which they haven't done in a while.

Jeremy was getting increasingly frustrated with this level, which Michael found absolutely adorable.

Since the boy was concentrating, Jeremy's nose scrunched up which causing Michael to scream internally as he loved them so dearly.

"Michael," Jeremy dragged out the name. "Stop staring at me and play the game, we can cuddle later."

Michael childishly stuck his tongue out in protest, but obliged.

Jeremy may or may not have danced around the basement when they finally beat the level and Michael may or may not have recorded Jeremy. Definitely not.

In all honesty, Michael just wanted to openly be in love with Jeremy. He wanted to shout it from the rooftops, but someone was getting in the way.

Michael, still laughing at Jeremy's terrible dancing skills, started speaking. "Now can we cuddle?"

"Nope! I lied, I'm hungry."

Michael groaned at Jeremy's everlasting hunger and followed him to the kitchen.

Jeremy grabbed a box from the cabinet, setting it on the counter.

"You know, if you were really that hungry you wouldn't want us to make brownies, they take forever to cook."

Jeremy ignored Michael and pulled out eggs from the fridge.

Michael sighed, knowing he wouldn't win this time, and grabbed the vegetable oil out of the pantry.

Michael was measuring the correct amount of oil, sticking his tongue out in concentration, when Jeremy wrapped his arms around Michael from behind.

A blush crept on Michael's face as Jeremy rested his head on his shoulder, but he pretended to ignore it.

"Just crack the eggs, you dork."

Jeremy placed a hand on his chest in mock hurt. "I can't believe you, of all people, would call me a dork! I'll have you know, that is Dr. Dork to you!"

Michael rolled his eyes. "Oh please, I don't see a PhD anywhere."

"Are you doubting me?"

"Yes, I am. Now crack the eggs before I crack one on your head."

"You drive a hard bargain," Jeremy pretended to think about it for way too long.

Michael threw his arms up in exasperation. He grabbed an egg, turned around, and tapped it onto Jeremy's head.

Jeremy, who's hair was now greased down with egg whites, stood with his jaw open in disbelief.

"Aw, lighten up. It was just a yolk!"

Jeremy pointed to the door. "Leave," he said, trying to keep a straight face, but failing miserably.

"Fine, no cuddles for you then," Michael strode to the front door before Jeremy grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

"Guess you didn't want me to eggs-it your house after all?"

Jeremy face palmed. "And I'm the dork. Okay, Michael."

"Hey! Quit egging me on," Michael rebutted, causing Jeremy to groan before he continued.

"Omelette you go rinse your hair now, I'm going to finish making these," he gestured at the bowl.

"Fine, I hate you by the way."

"You know you love me!"

Michael heard Jeremy's response from down the hall. "Yeah, yeah."

Michael hummed to whatever song was stuck in his head as he mixed the rest of the ingredients together. 

He opened the oven, realizing that they forgot to preheat it. So, he pressed the button, waiting impatiently. He hoped Jeremy wouldn't be too hungry.

After half an hour of the two goofing around, Michael's phone alarm went off and the brownies were done.

Jeremy bounced up and down impatiently as Michael cut the warm brownies.

They each grabbed two before heading back own into the basement.

Michael and Jeremy deeply enjoyed the chocolate dessert. Then, Jeremy launched himself on top of Michael, kissing random spots on his face.

Michael started full on giggling at Jeremy's soft touch before calming down and snuggling with the boy.

After it was silent for a while, Jeremy thought of something. "Hey Michael?"


"I just remembered that we had store bought brownies in the pantry."

"You're a dick!"

A/N: Have some fluff, I'm sure angst will happen soon enough.

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