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tw: death

Sadie opened her eyes and assumed that it was morning, given the way the light was streaming through her window.

It took a while for her eyes to adjust to the harsh light, but eventually the temporary blindness faded.

She got up and did her usual morning routine, starting with coffee.

Today was different than any other, though. Because Sadie actually had a goal for the day.

She was going to hurt Michael.

She didn't care if she had to wait outside of his house until late at night, she was going to do it no matter the circumstances.

She could've left the live feed on and heard Michael leaving, but she feared that she wouldn't make it on time and he'd see her trying to creep into his yard silently.

With that thought, she searched her house as quickly as possible for what she was looking for.

Thankfully for her, Sadie had a redneck uncle from Georgia who had attempted so many times to get Sadie's dad into his one and only passion: hunting.

For Christmas, he usually gave his brother a gun of sorts. This wasn't a once in a while thing. Sadie's dad got a new gun every single Christmas for twenty-five years.

So, it's not like Sadie's dad would notice if one of the guns did go missing, especially considering the array has been sitting there for years, collecting dust.

Sadie's dad was the opposite of his brother. He would never even hurt a fly, but his brother kept sending him the damn things that were always just left on a shelf in the attic.

They weren't cheap guns either, so Sadie didn't know why her dad hadn't just sold them yet.

However, Sadie was thankful for the fact that he didn't get rid of the guns, considering it worked to her advantage. Sadie definitely wasn't complaining.

She swiftly wiped the thick dust off of a few guns with her index finger, examining her choices before selecting a simple shotgun.


All Sadie brought to occupy her was her phone- which she triple-checked to make sure it was on silent. She hoped Michael would come soon enough so her phone couldn't die. Sitting behind a bush all day wasn't exactly the most exciting thing.

Sadie got bored very quickly, not to mention she was running out of data and didn't have Michael's wifi password. Her day would probably get much more exciting soon, though- even if she ended up in jail again.

Sadie didn't really know why her life at this moment was seemingly dependent on Christine's approval, but that was enough for Sadie to harm others.

She glanced at the time on her phone, groaning when she saw that not even an hour had passed.

This was going to be a very long day.


Sadie forgot her headphones, so she had to watch Netflix muted with subtitles. It was pretty annoying, and she was using the last of her data, but it was better than nothing.

She wasn't even paying attention to the movie. It was all a blur. Then, Sadie's heartbeat raced.

A car was coming down the street.

This happened earlier which evoked a similar reaction in Christine, but this time Sadie knew it was Michael somehow.

Sadie quickly pulled out the gun, not making a sound. She learned her lesson with the twig snapping last time, she wasn't about to make that mistake again.

Michael's car pulled into the driveway and Sadie felt an extreme sense of dejá vù.

Sadie could hear each and every pound in her heart as her actions flowed far too smoothly.

Michael seemed to be walking in slow motion, completely oblivious unlike last time.

Now would be a good time to mention that Sadie didn't have a great aim, especially when it came to using guns.

She knew she aimed for his forearm, but the bullet lodged into his chest.

Michael almost instantly collapsed to the concrete with a gut-wrenching crack.

Blood started slowly trickling around him, and Sadie noticed how his breaths his breaths slowly shortened.

Sadie was too in shock to end his suffering, she just threw her gun into the bushes and ran.

Sadie's shock quickly ended, a swarm of many conflicting emotions eating away at her brain and stomach.

Before she drove off, Sadie called the police anonymously to report hearing a gunshot on that street.

She drove home, and as soon as she sat on the couch, she felt completely numb.

Did her actions actually lead to someone's life most likely ending?

After an hour of numbness and denial, Sadie got in her car and rushed to the hospital, suddenly being overwhelmed.

After taking a back entrance she didn't even know was there, Sadie ran to where the intensive care units were, assuming Michael's room would be there.

Surely enough, after peeking through a few windows, Sadie saw a nurse and Jeremy standing beside an unconscious Michael.

She heard the slow beat of the heart monitor, Michael unsurprisingly attached to probably hundreds of machines. Sure, that was an exaggeration, but not by much.

No one noticed as Sadie peered through the window, and time seemed to stop.

Jeremy was sobbing far more than when Michael dumped him. Sadie wasn't really surprised by that, considering the only person Jeremy loved was dying.

She saw Jeremy lean over and kiss Michael's forehead whilst squeezing tightly onto the boy's hand.

While the sound was actually very faint, a long beep seemed to echo throughout the entire hospital, the noise burning into Sadie's brain.

The noise that was far more disturbing though, was Jeremy's screams.

Sadie tried to drown out the sound, but it was impossible.

The screams only grew louder as Sadie saw Michael being covered completely by a dark blanket.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sadie saw a figure moving towards her.

She fixed her focus on the person who met her eyes.

"Recognize this?" A police officer held up a bag with the gun Sadie had used and carelessly thrown in the bush.

Sadie's complexion got a million times paler and her eyes widened.

She felt the familiar sensation of the cold metal handcuffs confining her wrists. She was barely prepared for the many years in prison she had coming.

And then, Sadie woke up.

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