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A/N: So I guess some people like this story for some odd reason and now I have over 1k reads? In about a week and a half? I am so glad that I can entertain you guys in some way and I guess it's not much but it really means a lot. Thank you! Have a chapter, free of charge ;)

Michael couldn't have been happier when he read that message. In that exact moment, his skin cleared, his crops were thriving (not that he had any crops), and he was so genuinely excited.

Michael set a deadline for himself. Unless Jeremy said or did anything first, Michael would ask Jeremy out in some way, whether it be some grand gesture or straight forward, within the week.

He responded to Jeremy with a pretty vague message which said, "oh, cool." After he sent this, he spoke to himself sarcastically. "Nice one, doofus, what a work of art, really wooed him didn't you?" Michael only thought of this to mask his slowly growing anxiety attack, wondering if Jeremy was joking. He took some steady breaths and shook off his pesky anxious thoughts. "Holy crap, this is really happening!" Michael started jumping up and down like a child.

Any other person might find the scene playing out a bit strange, with Michael's smile stretching from ear to ear, talking to himself, and jumping around his basement alone. He read the text from Jeremy over and over again, his giddiness never fading in the slightest.


Jeremy was having a pretty different afternoon. He was incredibly stressed out after sending that text. He didn't hear back from the person for a solid ten minutes, which didn't seem like much, but the anonymous person usually responded right away. When they replied, he was slightly disappointed. Maybe he read too much into it, but to Jeremy the sender almost seemed kind of upset in those two words they texted. Jeremy took a deep breath. "There's still a chance it's him, don't worry," He whispered to himself.

Jeremy only now realized how heavily his heart was pounding. He could practically hear his heartbeat echoing around the room. Jeremy rolled his eyes at himself and took a long walk around the neighborhood. It's what he needed most at the time.

Later that night, Jeremy gave up and dialed Michael's number. He knew he would talk to Michael eventually that day, which was almost over. Before he thought about it too much, Jeremy pressed call.

Jeremy couldn't help but notice how happy Michael sounded when he picked up the phone. It was super adorable, and it sent a little bit of hope through Jeremy. The poor, oblivious boy kept ranting about the last text the secret admirer sent, when Michael cut him off.

"It's okay Jeremy, I'm sure it will turn out fine in the end, trust me." Michael spoke softly, which never ceased to reassure Jeremy, no matter the situation.

The two had a lengthy conversation when Michael had to go. "I have a bunch of errands to run tomorrow, so I'll see you Monday, Jer."

Jeremy almost said, "I love you" at the end of the call, but he refrained. Michael's calm voice echoed through Jeremy's head, lulling him to sleep.


Michael couldn't take it any longer. The 'errands' he mentioned to Jeremy was for supplies when Michael would ask him out. It was bound to happen, so he decided to do it sooner than later. He started brainstorming his plan, which had to be absolutely perfect, and Michael had the perfect time to do it.

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