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[dm between @harrysbish97 and ratchetandsassy]

ratchetandsassy | 3:44 PM
hey dinah
guess what

harrysbish97 | 3:50 PM

ratchetandsassy | 3:51 PM
hi 😜

harrysbish97 | 3:51 PM
omg you scared me, i thought something happened with the boys

ratchetandsassy | 3:52 PM
i wish but no
anyway, want to play a game? so we can get to know each other better
i'm really awkward at firST I'M SORRY

harrysbish97 | 3:52 PM
no it's okay i am too
you wanna start?

ratchetandsassy | 3:53 PM
okay first question...
how old are you?

harrysbish97 | 3:53 PM
seventeen 😏
how about you?

ratchetandsassy | 3:54 PM
dinah the point of this is to ask each other different questions
but i'm eighteen
kiss mE I'M LEGAL

harrysbish97 | 3:55 PM
my birthday is in a few days

ratchetandsassy | 3:55 PM
you're still small

harrysbish97 | 3:55 PM
i am not small, i am thick, tall, and proud

ratchetandsassy | 3:56 PM
good news, i love thick women

harrysbish97 | 3:56 PM
damn you got the moves

ratchetandsassy | 3:56 PM
omg we need to stop flirting we were supposed to be playing a game

harrysbish97 | 3:57 PM
nah this is more fun

ratchetandsassy | 3:57 PM
what's your favorite disney movie?

harrysbish97 | 3:58 PM
the lion king
what's yours?

ratchetandsassy | 3:58 PM
i have so many
but i'd have to say it's between tangled and Peter Pan

harrysbish97 | 3:58 PM
i really love those
omg wanna know what i'm excited for

ratchetandsassy | 4:00 PM

harrysbish97 | 4:00 PM
she's the first polynesian princess and it makes me happy because i'm polynesian
i actually thought about auditioning

ratchetandsassy | 4:01 PM
are you serious?
you should have

harrysbish97 | 4:01 PM
nah i was too nervous

ratchetandsassy | 4:01 PM
i was the same way
i wanted to try out for the second season of the x factor a couple years ago but i chickened out

harrysbish97 | 4:02 PM
hold up
i was going to try out that year too but we couldn't afford to make the trip

ratchetandsassy | 4:02 PM
what the hell
that's so weird
it's like fate brought us together or something

harrysbish97 | 4:03 PM
there you go again with the flirting 🙄

ratchetandsassy | 4:04 PM
okay we're really bad at this game

harrysbish97 | 4:04 PM
so bad

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