seventy four

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"Are you nervous?" Camila asked, picking a stray hair off of Dinah's shirt.  

Dinah wasn't sure how she felt, her emotions ranging from extremely excited to painstakingly nervous. After their media coverage at the Latin Grammy's, Camila's team had landed her a spot on Ellen, where she'd do an interview and perform her song 'Living Proof' from her upcoming album. Ellen had called Camila, which sent her into a fit of tears, and personally asked for her to bring Dinah along. Dinah accepted before Camila even finished talking. 

Although she was about to sit next to the love of her life and be interviewed by one of the biggest talk show hosts in history, Dinah was still nervous. Sure, she and Camila had been seen together in public, but this was different. This was more personal. 

And what would happen if she said the wrong thing? What if she embarrassed Camila in front of the entire world? What if the fans turned against her again? What if-

"Dinah," Camila said, noticing her girlfriend's excessive blinking, "you're going to be okay. I love you." 

Dinah took Camila's hand and inhaled deeply.

"I love you too," Dinah replied, squeezing Camila's hand. 

"Showtime in two minutes, girls!" A director said, signaling at a timer backstage.

Dinah stiffened again, and Camila tightened her grip, "You're going to do great. I'll be next to you the whole time." 

The girls stood there for the next minute and a half, taking turns squeezing each other's hands and making jokes. When Dinah heard Ellen begin to introduce the girls, her stomach fluttered at the sound of the famous woman listing off Camila's accomplishments. Dinah was with her girlfriend since the very beginning, from the fan account to the covers going viral and now, she stood beside her, backstage at the Ellen Show. Dinah wanted to hug Camila and never let go, sing her praises until her voice went out, but now wasn't the time.

"Please welcome our next guests, Camila Cabello and her girlfriend, Dinah Jane!" Ellen exclaimed, and the crowd roared. 

'Living Proof' sounded through the studio as Camila and Dinah walked out on stage, still holding hands. Camila waved to the audience, always a natural people pleaser. Dinah mimicked her girlfriend's wave, locking eyes with a few different audience members before reaching the couch that sat across from Ellen. 

"How are you feeling, Camila?" Ellen asked as soon as the dark-haired girl got comfortable.

Camila smiled, "I'm doing great! I've been making music a lot recently and performing is always a blast, so I've just been living my best life right now." 

"We can tell, your song 'Living Proof' just went #5 on Billboard," Ellen said, and the audience cheered once again. 

"Thank you," Camila responded sheepishly.

"So what's your secret to writing a good song?" 

Camila squeezed Dinah's hand, "Well, I think personal experience definitely helps a lot. It's hard to write a song about something you're not feeling in the moment, you know? So I feel like right now it's easy to write about falling in love and coming to terms with who I am because that's what I've been going through lately. If you're honest in your music, more people will relate to it, you know what I mean?" 

"Absolutely," Ellen replied, "Do you think having such a beautiful girlfriend in your life helps?" 

Dinah felt her cheeks go red as Camila laughed, then nodded in agreement. 

"If we're being honest, Dinah's the only reason I started posting covers. If it weren't for her, I don't think we'd be sitting here right now," Camila said, "She's been with me through it all, she's my living proof." 

Ellen laughed at Camila's wit, then asked, "I'm assuming you've known each other for a long time then. Dinah, how did you girls meet?"

Dinah exhaled, then turned to Camila as she said, "Well, it all started with One Direction fan accounts..."


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