forty six

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[group conversation between dinah, normani, ally, lauren, and camila]

Ally | 3:10 PM
introducing...fourth harmony!

Camila | 3:21 PMwhat's fourth harmony??

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Camila | 3:21 PM
what's fourth harmony??

Normani | 3:22 PM
while you were out ally made a joke that we looked like a girl group

Ally | 3:23 PM
so we named ourselves fourth harmony

Camila | 3:24 PM
no fair
i wanna be the fifth!

Dinah | 3:24 PM
no you already have a career

Lauren | 3:24 PM
you went solo before we even formed

Normani | 3:25 PM
camila invented going solo
i miss you booboo

Camila | 3:26 PM
aww mani i'll be back soon

Dinah | 3:26 PM
mani if you don't stop

Normani | 3:26 PM
mila she's jealous again

Camila | 3:27 PM
i know isn't it so cute

Dinah | 3:27 PM
it's not cute
i'm very intimidating

Lauren | 3:28 PM
bitch you wish

Ally | 3:28 PM

Dinah | 3:28 PM
lauren it's bish...not bitch

Lauren | 3:29 PM
ok bitch

Ally | 3:29 PM

Normani | 3:30 PM
why are we texting each other we're literally sitting in the same room

Lauren | 3:30 PM
shit you right

Camila | 3:35 PM
where did you go

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