twenty nine

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[text conversation between dinah and camila]

Camila | 8:02 PM
hey baby
can you send me the selfie we took earlier

Dinah | 8:03 PM
is that all i'm good for smh

Camila | 8:06 PMnah you're good at other things like being annoying

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Camila | 8:06 PM
nah you're good at other things
like being annoying

Dinah | 8:07 PM
you're so mean to me

Camila | 8:07 PM
i'm only mean to you because i like you

Dinah | 8:08 PM
you like me?? aw that's adorable

Camila | 8:08 PM
dinah we are literally dating

Dinah | 8:08 PM
i know but still
that's so cute

Camila | 8:09 PM
you're cute
dinah i'm so glad i have you
not to be emo or anything

Dinah | 8:10 PM
i'm glad i have you too
i can't believe how far we've come from making small talk on twitter

Camila | 8:10 PM
me neither, it's crazy to think about
the universe works in such a funny way
did you ever think you'd date someone you met on twitter

Dinah | 8:11 PM
um no because i never talked to anyone besides you

Camila | 8:11 PM
me neither
it's just weird the way things work themselves out

Dinah | 8:12 PM
you're right
so why are we having a deep 3 am talk at 8 o'clock?

Camila | 8:12 PM
just exhausted i guess
i've been staying up late worrying about the record label
they still haven't contacted me

Dinah | 8:13 PM
don't worry about it
because if they don't sign you, someone else will
you're extremely talented and you're already building a fanbase

Camila | 8:13 PM
that's true, plus they're trying to get me a collab
which would be incredible because shawn has his own fans

Dinah | 8:14 PM
maybe they'll be camilizers too

Camila | 8:14 PM
did you just make up the name of my fanbase?

Dinah | 8:14 PM
i think i did

Camila | 8:15 PM
it's really cute, i like it
you're my honorary #1 camilizer

Dinah | 8:15 PM
and i always will be

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