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[text conversation between dinah and camila]

Camila | 8:57 PM
thank you for always sticking up for me
i just saw your tweets

Camila | 8:58 PM
i had a panic attack so i took a nap after

Dinah | 9:00 PM
when you didn't answer the door, your mom told me you fell asleep

Dinah | 9:01 PM
i wish i would have been there to comfort you

Camila | 9:02 PM
i appreciate it
sorry i made you drive all this way and i wasn't even awake

Dinah | 9:03 PM
are you kidding? i'm next door in your mom's room

Camila | 9:04 PM

Camila heard a knock on the door. She kicked the covers off of her legs, stuffing her feet into her slippers as she got up. When she opened the door, Dinah stood there, grinning at her.

Rushing forward, Camila embraced her girlfriend, "You didn't have to wait for me."

"I'd wait forever if that's what it took," Dinah reassured her, smoothing the girl's long hair.

"I love you so much," Camila said, pecking Dinah on the lips.

Dinah looked into her eyes, moving a piece of hair out of Camila's face, "I love you more. Now come over to your mom's hotel room, she said she'd put on one of your favorite movies and we could just hang out."

"What have you guys been doing all of this time?" Camila queried. She knew Dinah and her mother had become close over the past few weeks, but it was really sweet to imagine them sitting around and enjoying each other's company.

"We've been talking about you," Dinah said, leading Camila to her mother's hotel room, "Both of us are so proud of you, always."

Dinah opened the door to Sinu's hotel room, and the small woman was elated to see her daughter. Sinu gave Camila a tight hug, rubbing her thumb over her shoulder.

The three of them had settled into the gigantic bed, with Camila placed in the middle of her two favorite people, and Sinu pressed play on the television. The opening credits of Peter Pan appeared, and Camila sighed, forever grateful she was surrounded by people who knew her so well.

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