thirty five

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[text conversation between shawn and camila]

Camila | 9:02 AM
could you send me the demo we have so far?

Shawn | 9:30 AM
of course!
audio file sent

Camila | 9:31 AM
thanks bud! i love what we have so far
i wanted to show you some new lyrics today

Shawn | 9:32 AM
hey, speaking of today
my team wants to meet up with your team sometime this afternoon

Camila | 9:33 AM
i'll have my nonexistent people call your people
what's this about?

Shawn | 9:34 AM
honestly i have no idea
your team probably already knows about it

Camila | 9:35 AM
but i didn't even know i had a team?

Shawn | 9:36 AM
someone from the label will be there to represent you
even if you're not officially signed, you're still considered part of the label right now

Camila | 9:36 AM
that's a little mindblowing

Camila | 9:39 AM
just got off the phone with roger gold, my manager apparently?
he told me about the meeting just now

Camila | 9:40 AM
anyway, i'll see you at the meeting!

Shawn | 9:41 AM
told you
see you there!

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