twenty one

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[text conversation between dinah and camila]

Camila | 8:32 AM
guess where i'm at

Dinah | 8:33 AM
mcdonalds? canada?
i give up

Camila | 8:34 AM
i'm at the airport silly

Dinah | 8:34 AM
oh i must have forgotten

Camila | 8:34 AM
you've probably been up all night anticipating my return to california 🙄

Dinah | 8:36 AM
maybe just a little bit
send a picture

Camila | 8:37 AM
is this going to be a tradition now

Dinah | 8:38 AM

Camila | 8:38 AM
okay, here you go

Dinah | 8:40 AMyou look so good in a snapback i'm so gay

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Dinah | 8:40 AM
you look so good in a snapback
i'm so gay

Camila | 8:41 AM
thank you
show me what you look like rn

Dinah | 8:43 AM
i'm sitting in bed without makeup on

Camila | 8:45 AMohmmggffknyour fingers are so longand also i love your face

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Camila | 8:45 AM
your fingers are so long
and also i love your face

Dinah | 8:47 AM
i love my face too

Camila | 8:47 AM
you're so conceited 🙄

Dinah | 8:48 AM
but you still love me anyway

Camila | 8:48 AM
eh, you're alright
gotta go, my flight's about to get called
be there soon

Dinah | 8:49 AM
have a safe flight baby

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