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[text conversation between dinah and camila]

Camila | 10:10 PM
dinah i have questions for you

Dinah | 10:16 PM
okay what are they?

Camila | 10:17 PM

Dinah | 10:17 PM
why what??

Camila | 10:17 PM
did you leave me here to burn?

Dinah | 10:18 PM
wtf mila
i'm right here i'd never leave you

Camila | 10:18 PM
i'm way too young to be this hurt

Dinah | 10:18 PM
what? who hurt you?
do i have to come to miami and give someone a poly beat down?

Camila | 10:19 PM
i feel doomed in hotel rooms
staring straight up at the wall

Dinah | 10:20 PM
why are you at a hotel wtf
camila? is everything okay?

Camila | 10:20 PM
they're song lyrics you dork
it's a song i'm working on called 'i have questions'

Dinah | 10:20 PM
ohh that makes sense
but wtf who hurt you so bad you had to write a song like that?

Camila | 10:21 PM
some people i used to be friends with
it still kinda hurts so writing songs about it helps me get over it

Dinah | 10:21 PM
do you want to talk about it? i'm here for you walz, always

Camila | 10:22 PM

Dinah | 10:23 PM
yeah it's my new nickname for you
walz because you gave me a koala hug

Camila | 10:23 PM
dinah that is so pure i love you

Dinah | 10:23 PM
i love you too
now tell me what's on your mind

Camila | 10:26 PM
i used to have these friends in high school but they weren't really my friends
they all made fun of my singing behind my back and then when they found out i was bisexual, they completely disowned me
it just sucks to be shamed for who i am
and sometimes it still hurts to think about

Dinah | 10:26 PM
those people are assholes, they weren't your real friends
real friends should never make you feel bad for doing what you love
and they definitely shouldn't get angry with you over something you can't control

Camila | 10:27 PM
i had to switch schools because the bullying got so bad
now i'm fine but then i wasn't
it was different when random kids bullied me, but when it was my best friends? it was heartbreaking

Dinah | 10:28 PM
you didn't deserve that
i'm so so so sorry they did that to you mila
but you're going to show them when you achieve everything they said you couldn't

Camila | 10:28 PM
i just don't want to be the failure that they all told me i would be

Dinah | 10:28 PM
you won't
the lyrics you sent me are beautiful, you got a bish crying

Camila | 10:29 PM
thank you
i'm so glad we're friends, i can't wait to come see you

Dinah | 10:30 PM
do you know when you're coming back?

Camila | 10:30 PM
it was gonna be a surprise but
i have studio sessions booked in two weeks, so i'll be coming back soon

Dinah | 10:31 PM
i miss your face

Camila | 10:32 PM
here then

Dinah | 10:34 PMyou can't just drop bomb ass selfies like thatyou look incrediblei want to kiss your face

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Dinah | 10:34 PM
you can't just drop bomb ass selfies like that
you look incredible
i want to kiss your face

Camila | 10:34 PM
two more weeks 😘

Dinah | 10:35 PM

Camila | 10:35 PM
we'll see 😉

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