sixty four

617 21 12

[text conversation between dinah and camila]

Camila | 8:05 PM
i know you've been reading tweets again
please stop searching up your name

Camila | 8:06 PM
it's so much better when you can't see what people say about you

Dinah | 8:10 PM
i mean they aren't wrong
you are too good for me

Camila | 8:11 PM
??? don't talk like that
we've been over this dinah
you told me not to worry about what other people say and i'm telling you the same thing
you're worth more than that

Camila | 8:12 PM
i want to keep talking to you but i have a performance coming up in literally ten minutes
i'll text you after okay?

Dinah | 8:12 PM
i'm not you camila
whatever i'm going to bed

Camila | 8:12 PM

Dinah | 8:13 PM
i am, for real
don't worry about me
goodnight. i love you

Camila | 8:14 PM
i love you more... goodnight

Dinah | 3:33 AM
it's been like six hours and i still haven't heard from you lol
your mom said you were still out with shawn when i called at midnight...

Dinah | 3:34 AM
i thought you said you were going to text me back?

Dinah | 5:20 AM
i don't think this is working out

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