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[text conversation between dinah and ally]

Dinah | 7:34 PM
hey short stack
i need a favor

Ally | 7:35 PM
oh no
please tell me you don't need
me to bail you out

Dinah | 7:35 PM
what?? no...
i wanted to ask you if you'd
like to help me with a surprise

Ally | 7:36 PM
who's it for?

Dinah | 7:36 PM
camila, the girl i met on
twitter a while back
i was wondering if you'd
like to bake cookies
or something like that so i
have something to give her
when she comes back to cali

Ally | 7:37 PM
i would love to!! she sounds like
such a sweet girl
wait, what does she look like again?
i saw someone the other day
that looked a lot like her

Dinah | 7:38 PM
here's my favorite picture of her

Ally | 7:40 PMoh my goodness, that's the girl that just went viral!i knew i had seen that face beforebut i didn't know she was your camila!

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Ally | 7:40 PM
oh my goodness, that's the girl
that just went viral!
i knew i had seen that face before
but i didn't know she was your camila!

Dinah | 7:41 PM
well she's not technically mine...yet
but yeah that's the same girl 😇

Ally | 7:42 PM
listen, i'm straight and i would date her
and plus that girl can SING!

Dinah | 7:44 PM
i love her singing voice more
than anything in this world
i can't wait to give her some
of your cookies and see her smile
and have my stomach explode with

Ally | 7:45 PM
you've got it bad dj 😏

Dinah | 7:46 PM
i know, but oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️

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