twenty three

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Camila sat in the dimly lit restaurant, nervously wringing her hands. The flowers she had brought along for her friend sat in front of her, the deep red roses contrasting against the white tablecloth. The restaurant Dinah had suggested was fancy, and Camila couldn't help but be extremely anxious.

This was the second time she was meeting her friend, but it was the first time they'd ever been alone together. Sure, they had their privacy while they talked on Skype and FaceTime, but this was different. Dinah would be sitting directly in front of her, laughing loudly and smiling because of Camila. The realization was a bit surreal, and it scared Camila more than anything.

When Camila spotted the tall girl being guided by a hostess, Camila stood up out of her seat. Her best friend grinned, waving at Camila from the distance. Camila's stomach was bombarded by butterflies, her nerves rapidly changing into pure excitement.

The hostess set down Dinah's menu and bid them goodbye, leaving Camila and Dinah to embrace tightly. Camila knew it hadn't been long since the girls had seen each other, but it felt like they were meeting again for the first time. They squeezed each other for about two minutes before Dinah broke away, sitting in her seat.

"I had Ally bake these for you," Dinah said, passing over the bag she had been holding.

Camila gushed, taking the bag, "That's so sweet of her, tell her I said thank you."

"I will. Are these for me?" Dinah asked, placing a delicate hand atop the bouquet.

"No, they're for my girlfriend," Camila said, her heart beating fast in anticipation, "Her name is Dinah."

Dinah grinned, "She sounds pretty hot."

Rolling her eyes, Camila responded, "Eh, she's alright. Pretty average."

Dinah's jaw dropped and she smacked her girlfriend playfully on the arm, eliciting a giggle out of her. Their interactions were so natural and easy, leaving Camila to wonder where the taller girl had been her entire life. Before Camila had met Dinah, no one besides Lauren gave her any attention. Camila was only acknowledged when people wanted to torment her, no one ever showed her the genuine interest that Dinah did.

They continued to talk, chatting about Dinah's drive to LA and the songs Camila had been working on. Camila could tell that Dinah was enthralled with her, giving Camila this look like she was a star in the sky. Dinah stayed completely engaged with the conversation, going as far as giving Camila ideas for song lyrics and melodies. Together, they wrote lyrics on napkins, a vast demotion from Camila's notes on her phone.

On one of the napkins with song lyrics on it, Dinah kissed the paper, leaving a perfect lipstick stain on it.

"It's to remind you that this is Dinah's song," She said with a smirk, passing the napkin over the Camila.

Camila sighed, but smiled, taking the napkin from her girlfriend. She folded it up and put it in the pocket of her coat.


[tweet by @camilacabello97]
date time with some ugly girl idk who she is 🤷🏻‍♀️

[tweet by @dinahjane97] i bet you wouldn't say it to my face loser @camilacabello97

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[tweet by @dinahjane97]
i bet you wouldn't say it to my face loser @camilacabello97

[tweet by @dinahjane97]
alsooo, i got her 😈

[tweet by @camilacabello97]i diDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU TOOK THIS @dinahjane97

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[tweet by @camilacabello97]
i diDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU TOOK THIS @dinahjane97

[tweet by @dinahjane97]
because you were too busy tweeting about me @camilacabello97

[tweet by @camilacabello97]
i do it out of love @dinahjane97

[tweet by @dinahjane97]
do me out of love @camilacabello97

[tweet by @camilacabello97]
this conversation is over. stop tweeting me like we aren't standing right next to each other @dinahjane97

[tweet by @dinahjane97]
make me @camilacabello97

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