thirty one

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[group conversation between normani, dinah, ally, lauren, and camila]

Camila added Lauren

Camila | 10:19 AM
hey guys this is my best friend from back home

Lauren | 10:20 AM
hallo everyone ☺️

Dinah | 10:20 AM
lauren!! this is dinah
camila has told me so much about you
thank you for always being a great friend to her

Lauren | 10:21 AM
mila your girlfriend is so nice 🙈

Dinah | 10:21 AM
one of us has to be nice in this relationship

Camila | 10:21 AM
hey i aM NICE

Ally | 10:22 AM
lying is a sin camila
hi lauren! it's so nice to finally meet you

Lauren | 10:23 AM
who's this, mani or ally

Dinah | 10:23 AM
the short one

Lauren | 10:23 AM
hi ally

Ally | 10:24 AM

Dinah | 10:25 AMdid you just use yourself as a meme 😂

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Dinah | 10:25 AM
did you just use yourself as a meme 😂

Normani | 10:25 AM
i heard selfies and i came as fast as i could

Normani | 10:25 AMi heard selfies and i came as fast as i could

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Dinah | 10:25 AM
mani literally no one mentioned selfies

Camila | 10:26 AM
i did, hi mani

Normani | 10:27 AM
at least someone appreciates me around here

Lauren | 10:28 AM
here's me at da beach the other day

Normani | 10:29 AMdid i just get upstaged? i think she just dethroned me

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Normani | 10:29 AM
did i just get upstaged? i think she just dethroned me

Dinah | 10:29 AM
laureeen i'm obsessed with your eyes 😍

Lauren | 10:30 AM
thank you chickens

Camila | 10:30 AM
be obsessed with my eyes dinah 😒

Dinah | 10:30 AM
don't worry i already am

Camila | 10:31 AM

Normani | 10:31 AM
i'm leaving

Normani left the conversation

Ally | 10:32 AM
me too, my virgin eyes don't need to see this

Ally left the conversation

Lauren | 10:33 AM
my phone won't let me leave but
if i could, i would

Dinah | 10:34 AM
mila you hang up first

Lauren | 10:34 AM
i'm muting this groupchat

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