thirty seven

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[tweet by @dinahjane97]
opened my phone to find a bunch of selfies from @camilacabello97... never inviting her over again

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[@camilacabello97 liked @dinahjane97's tweet]

[tweet by @camilacabello97]
i knew you would love them @dinahjane97

[dinahjane97 liked camilacabello97's tweet]

[tweet by caminahnews]

[@dinahjane97 liked @caminahnews's tweet]

[text conversation between dinah and camila]

Camila | 1:03 AM
dinah you're going to have to tone it down with the caminah stuff

Dinah | 1:03 AM
why? i'm just giving the shippers what they want
it makes them really happy

Camila | 1:04 AM
i know it does but
this is my career we're talking about
i could get in a lot of trouble if this keeps up

Dinah | 1:05 AM
this is so stupid

Camila | 1:06 AM
i know but we need to be careful

Dinah | 1:06 AM
why are you scared now?

Camila | 1:07 AM
wtf i'm not scared dinah, i'd be out kissing you in the los angeles streets if i could
but for some stupid reason, my team doesn't want that

Camila | 1:08 AM
this sucks but we have to get through it for now

Dinah | 1:08 AM
stop following other people's rules

Camila | 1:10 AM
as much as i'd love to, i can't right now
you don't understand the pressure i'm under

Dinah | 1:10 AM
whatever, i'm going to bed

Camila | 1:11 AM
okay fine.

Dinah | 4:02 AM
it just hurts me, you know?

Dinah | 4:03 AM
you put me on the back burner for so long and when we finally start dating, i suddenly can't call you mine anymore

Dinah | 4:06 AM
this is bullshit

Camila | 4:10 AM
i thought you were going to bed?

Dinah | 4:12 AM
too upset to sleep

Camila | 4:13 AM
me too
the cookies didn't help much they just gave me a stomachache

Dinah | 4:14 AM
i wish you would have stayed the night
maybe we wouldn't have argued

Camila | 4:15 AM
it's better to argue now and get it out there
instead of letting our feelings sit

Camila | 4:16 AM
but dinah, you know i love you
yes, it took me a while to come around, but i was hopelessly falling for you that entire time

Camila | 4:19 AM
i love the way you say my name, i love how you never run away when i'm sad, i hate that you cover up your smile when your laugh because you have the prettiest smile in this whole world

Camila | 4:21 AM
and if you could have seen me today, fighting so hard against the label
but they would not budge

Dinah | 4:22 AM
you fought for me?

Camila | 4:22 AM
yes, you can ask shawn
i told them that i love you, and the fans go crazy if we even like each other's tweets

Camila | 4:23 AM
but they see a bigger opportunity for me and shawn right now

Dinah | 4:24 AM
it's so stupid, no one is going to believe you guys are dating

Camila | 4:25 AM
some people might
but i hope this only lasts a few months like they said

Dinah | 4:26 AM
months?! that's insane

Camila | 4:27 AM
it could be years dinah...i think we got off pretty easy on this one

Camila | 4:30 AM
it'll be over before you know it

Dinah | 4:31 AM
i doubt it
i'm actually going to bed now, i just yawned so hard i almost blacked out
goodnight i love you

Camila | 4:32 AM
i love you more

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