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[dm between @harrysbish97 and ratchetandsassy]

ratchetandsassy | 5:55 PM
i'm so embarrassed oh my god

harrysbish97 | 5:56 PM
why?? what happened

ratchetandsassy | 5:56 PM
okay so
you know how i've always wanted to be a singer right?
my mom sent a video of me singing to a record executive and hE WANTS TO MEET ME

harrysbish97 | 5:57 PM
omg camila this is HUGE
wait why are you embarrassed

ratchetandsassy | 5:57 PM
because i get nervous when people hear me sing
even if it's my parents idk i still get weird stage fright in really small groups of people
and when i meet him and possibly audition, i'd be singing for him and a few others in a boardroom it's a little scary

harrysbish97 | 5:58 PM
you send me videos of you singing all of the time

ratchetandsassy | 5:58 PM
okay but that's different
you're my dinah

harrysbish97 | 5:58 PM
why did my heart get all warm and fuzzy when i read that

ratchetandsassy 5:59 PM
because you like me 😏

harrysbish97 | 5:59 PM
i don't think that's it

ratchetandsassy | 5:59 PM
wow you're mean 😒
what about us
what about everything we've been through

harrysbish97 | 6:00 PM
what about me? what am i supposed to do?

ratchetandsassy | 6:00 PM
and it was in this exact moment that i knew we were going to be best friends forever

harrybish97 | 6:01 PM
let's hope so
i never met someone who loves high school musical as much as you
that should be your audition song lmao 😂

ratchetandsassy | 6:01 PM
i was thinking about respect by aretha franklin
it has a lot of personality and a little bit of sass so i'd show them i'm more than just a voice

harrysbish97 | 6:01 PM
you're going to kill it
after hearing you sing in videos i have faith in you

ratchetandsassy | 6:02 PM
thank you
by the way
my auditions are in california
maybe we can finally meet each other?? 😊

harrysbish97 | 6:02 PM
girl if i don't meet you i'm gonna be so mad

ratchetandsassy | 6:03 PM
me too
i'll let you know more when the date gets closer okay??

harrysbish97 | 6:03 PM
okay 😅
i really hope i get to see you

ratchetandsassy | 6:04 PM
not as much as i hope to see you 😊

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